Membro dal: 16/07/07
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Questo account appartiene all'autrice anglosassone Alphie, ma viene attualmente gestito da me (aKifer). Chiunque desideri pubblicare sue traduzioni sotto questo nome  può contattarmi al seguente indirizzo:

[Traduzione parziale della presentazione dell'autrice su]

Okay...ecco il mio profilo. Sono una trentenne e qualcosa donna, sposata, con un figlio nato il 31 di Luglio...non scherzo...e una bambina. Sono un attrice per professione, ma faccio anche un po' di lavoro dietro le scence, come le acconciature o il makeup. Non sono una  poi così grande scrittrice, quindi mi sono iscritta per fare pratica.'s my info. I'm a thirty something year old female, married, with a son born on July joke...and a baby girl. I'm an actress by profession, but I also do a lot of behind-the-scenes work with hair/make-up. I'm not that great of a writer, so I've come here to practice. I'm also just a big kid at heart...most of my favorite things are targeted to the younger generation. I'm a MASSIVE Disney Fan. How Massive? I challenge anyone out there to name a Disney song I can't sing. I can even sing some of them in German and French! I'm also a major Star Wars fan. How Major? Well, I won a triva contest at Barnes and Noble just before Episode one came out. (I used to read ALL the books, but I kind of lost track when I got married and had to start a REAL life. Besides, I was getting tired of reading about Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin.) And as for Mr. Potter...It was just before Christmas 2000 that I was subbing and was so BORED that I picked up the Sorcerer's Stone from the teachers desk and was transported to a migical world that has me ACHING for more. I can't believe it took me this long to discover these wonderful books. I'm a devoted Remus fan and have worked with Thing1 and Durayan to create a site dedicated to him called The Werewolf Registry. Give us a howl! Now I'm jumping head first into Twilight to help start up the fandom. First it was the Jedi, then werewolves, and now vampires. Sheesh! Toss Superman in the mix and I think that just about covers everthing but the kitchen sink! 

Post-game; Rikku affronta i suoi fantasmi dai soprabiti rossi nel miglior modo che conosce. E’ dura avere sedici anni da poco compiuti, essere appiccicosa, e avere il cuore spezzato.
Autore: Guardian1 | Pubblicata: 19/12/06 | Aggiornata: 19/12/06 | Rating: Verde
Genere: Drammatico | Capitoli: 1 - One shot | Completa
Note: Traduzione | Avvertimenti: Nessuno
Personaggi: Auron, Rikku
Categoria: Videogiochi > Final Fantasy X |  Leggi le 5 recensioni