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di hera85

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Recensore Veterano
08/09/12, ore 21:48
Cap. 1:

Hello! like this? ^ ____ ^, Dartagnan is a moron, than realized Athos reaction when you are with women, but his friends if they wanted to be something, but orders are orders, Cardinal is complicit in the Iron Mask he and Rocheford together if they are to be a big problem for the Musketeers, this CD will hopefully give some information, I wondered if I would Charmine as Aramis informant, I hope you update soon, thanks for sharing ^ ____ ^.

Recensore Master
06/09/12, ore 17:59
Cap. 1:

La squadra dei cattivi sembra al completo adesso; ma i moschettieri non si arrenderanno cosė facilmente, speriamo!