Recensioni per
Il ritorno della Maschera di Ferro
di arethafranklin

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Recensore Veterano
11/03/12, ore 00:47

Oh, io apprezzo, eccome!

Confido fortemente nella saggezza di Aramis...
Anche se devo ammettere che milady è stata veramente furba e crudele con Renée! Che disgraziata! Povero Athos, non sa nemmeno che disastro gli sta per cadere sulla testa quando sarà di ritorno dalla taverna...speriamo solo sia abbastanza sobrio da tenere testa alla furia di Aramis!

Certo che sei diabolica, cara autrice! E adesso mi aspetto una mossa avventata da parte di MDF che non può certo starsene ad aspettare nell'ombra che Renée gli cada tra le mani. Temo che dovrà intrufolarsi nelle sue camere ma che lì troverà pane per i suoi denti!

Capitolo emozionante,come sempre, non smetti mai di stupire!

Nuovo recensore
10/03/12, ore 21:05
Cap. 21:

Scusa, sono in ritardo ne recensire, non ho avuto tempo la scorsa settimana, impegni scolastici...
Comunque, tornando al motivo per il quale sto scrivendo, è per dire di nuovo, complimenti, capitolo bellissimo, come sempre, che suggerisce al più presto, si spera, un incontro fra Renèe ed Anne, e probabilmente, come conseguenza di questo fatto uno scontro, o almeno spero, adoro i momenti di azione, ma non mi dispiace leggere storie dove ci sono anche ci sono momenti di pausa come questa, rimane sempre e comunque una storia affascinante che attacca letterlamente il lettore allo schermo dall'inizio del capitolo fino alla fine!
Adesso vado a leggere il prossimo capitolo e spero che presto ci sia dell'azione in scena XD!


Recensore Master
10/03/12, ore 17:54

Immaginavo che Milady avrebbe fatto qualcosa di crudele, ma non fino a questo punto! Meno male che Renée/Aramis non le ha creduto del tutto, preferendo verificare di persona; è vero che Athos ha commesso quell'atroce imperdonabile nefandezza, ma Milady non ha raccontato tutta la verità.

Recensore Veterano
07/03/12, ore 18:38
Cap. 21:

Oh, finalmente!
Proprio oggi pensavo che da queste parti non fosse più costumanza aggiornare le storie ...

Bel capitolo, come sempre!
Emozionante la scena di lei nella vasca, che si interroga sui suoi turbamenti amorosi (ehm, peccato il corvo che ha interrotto tutto sul più bello)
Disgraziatamente Renèe non ha la più pallida idea delle intezioni di Milady & C. (nemmeno io a dire il vero), e la cosa mi preoccupa un cicinìn, ma non evidentemente la nostra bella eroina che si acquatta nel box dei cavalli ad attendere la sua "amica". (ma dico proprio nel box dei cavalli!?! Io di sera non ci andrei mai ... Lo dico da frequentatrice di cavalli e di box, con quello che ci si trova all'interno, pipì, cacca, topolini e una volta anche una pantegana!)
Ma si sà, la nostra Renèe, non ha paura di niente..., mica come me!

Recensore Master
07/03/12, ore 16:00
Cap. 21:

Quei due sono terribili: lo avevo detto che Milady sarebbe ricorsa al sotterfugio, adesso ho paura per Renée; lei sta scoprendo qualcosa di forte per Athos, e lui la ricambia, ma credo che la strada cha hanno davanti non sarà facile.. se lei riacquistasse la memoria, sarebbe tutto più facile; forse un altra botta in testa potrebbe aiutarla a riacquistare il suo passato.

Recensore Veterano
07/03/12, ore 13:37
Cap. 21:

Orca miseria! Renèe si mette nei pasticci da sola!
Ma cavolo!!
Oh cielo, adesso mi hai messo addosso un'ansia pazzesca: temo veramente cosa potrebbe farle MDF se la soprattutto temo le ire di Athos una volta saputo quello che è successo!!

Ecco:lo sapevo: mi hai lasciato ancora una volta sul bordo della sedia a rosicchiarmi le unghie dall'ansia...

Recensore Veterano
07/03/12, ore 12:15
Cap. 21:

questa storia e bellissima e descritto tutto cosi bene le parti ,che adoro di più sono quelle con portohos è così ..simpatico ...ora però sono curisa di sapere che fine farà aramis che mi sa che si è messa in un bel guaio mentre athos è ignaro di tutto, e se la spassa con gli amici ..ciao aggiorna presto

Recensore Veterano
07/03/12, ore 09:13
Cap. 21:

Hello! like this? ^ ____ ^, Athos left the room, Renee, went to his duties with the cadets, Porthos, who saw it, was to ask what had happened, he said that all orders are reconciled and did not want to discuss more, but Porthos knew had more also recommended not to doubt it, they laughed and planned a dinner at the brothel to entertain.

Renee took a bath while thinking about what happened to Athos, if the medallion had not come back to reality, she blushed and wanted to experience those feelings, but was interrupted by a knock on the window, a cave to find sent by Milady more of it, also a way to kidnap her, Renee read the entire message and decided to give instructions to let her in because she gave her word not to leave her quarters.

In what was Manson's mansion, Milady awaiting the return of birds, with news of Renee, was happy to achieve if you plan, Alexander asked what he would do, they had planned to kidnap her, but did not know how out of the barracks, Renee later in the evening fulfilled its plan, she was just waiting for his friend in the brothel enjoyed the three musketeers, Porthos proposed a girl to play, but Athos refused, the court and his love, not knowing what was occurred in its absence, as will Renee do Milady to leave the barracks, update soon this will be good, thanks for sharing ^ ___ ^.

Recensore Veterano
05/03/12, ore 18:30

bloccati sul più bellooo nooooooooooooooo....athos e cosi dolce si vede che ama realmente aramis.....bel capitolo

Nuovo recensore
03/03/12, ore 23:00

Ok, I've had three chapters to read in the meantime, and again,
UAU, what a development!!
Such a beautiful scene at the lake, between Aramis-Renee and d'Artagnan training with swords, then we have our great Porthos, speaking to Athos, saying he should stop hiding his feelings for Renee, as they're as clear as sunlight - he's in love!!
And another UAU for the scene between Renee and Athos, at the bridge, and finally both show their feelings for one another, and their kiss was soooooo well described!! And of course Porthos and d'Artagnan can see the other two, and are happy for them... but Athos and also Renee end their kisses, and return to their two other friends.
The further developments in chapter 19 were also so well put in scene, finally the medallion appears, and this time it is Athos who has the last word and sets the rules: a duel with the sword for the medallion, and if she wins she gets it back, but if he wins, he'll take all of her... now that's a hint towards what will happen later...LOL...
And here's chapter 20, finally the ball at the Louvre, Renee did get a beatiful dress by Bonacieux, again Treville is stunned by her beauty, and at the Louvre, Athos can't take his eyes off her, and gets the highest reward he can get: a smile of Renee just for him alone!!!
You did very well with Philippe, this answers my question about what he was planning, so he wanted to marry her, but was being selfish... I loved the small dialogue between Athos and Philippe, where Athos is barely able to control himself, and then Porthos has to come and offer him some "reasoning", remembering that Renee is ARAMIS, their comrade, and that she loves him, Athos, and no one else... You are giving us such a good friend in Porth, and that is worth a BRAVO!!
The scene in the garden - very emotional for Philippe, and Renee who offers her friendship, being totally honest about loving another man right now, and then Athos and Porthos who totally misinterpret what they see...
The next morning then, at the barracks, Athos who not even looks at Renee, and Porthos who for the first time uses an antipatic tone, but good for him that he immeiately says what they think they saw, and Renee understands why Athos reacted like this, while Porthos apologises...
And I have to say you did well to "cut the moment" in the bed, again the medallion has acted as a barrier and made Athos stop, as long as Aramis isn't back in Renee's memories, he won't want to fully be with her; so nobly, he wants to give the medallion back to her, no need for the duel he proposed some nights ago... But Renee refuses, and says he should keep it as long as "Aramis" hasn't returned, plus to act as a protective good luck item for him.
Is this a hint that this medalion is going to protect/save Athos, as it did with Aramis when she was struck by Manson on the cliff at Belle-Ile???
And now you say all is in place, and your villains can come to the charge - signora autora, vi prego aggiorna subito, io sto aspettando le "grand complotto de venganza" de Milady ed Alexander...
A la prossima!!

Recensore Junior
03/03/12, ore 22:30
Cap. 19:

Un hurrà per Porthos!
Non c'è niente da fare: è sempre il migliore! Lo adoro!!!
Riguardo ai due piccioncini, mi avevi già accennato in privato che il medaglione di François avrebbe creato qualche problema (ovviamente un certo fantasma ringrazia...).
Non lo so: io credo che Athos non sia a conoscenza della storia di quel gioielllo. Crede che sia semplicemente di Aramis e non ha idea di cosa significhi per lei, giusto?
Se le cose stanno così, il suo rifiuto di renderglielo può anche essere comprensibile; se invece, al contrario, sa che quello è il medaglione che lei aveva regalato a François, allora la cosa è diversa e non mi piace affatto. Ma come sai io ho ben più di un debole per François (anche se mi tormenta da fantasma) e quindi forse non faccio testo.
Io fossi stata Aramis, prima di sfidarlo a duello lo avrei anche preso a schiaffi, ma anche questa è un'altra mia fissazione, quindi ignorami.


Recensore Veterano
03/03/12, ore 04:40

Hello! here we go again! ^ ____ ^, Aramis would go to the ball, had to send to her dress, but she would not return to the tailor, so he went to the barracks, the man was fascinated by the young man his body was a dream to create a masterpiece, Bonacieux was proud when he saw the girl wearing it, the captain was also delighted with the beauty of the young,

The Three Musketeers traveled Louvre Palace to secure the place, they feared to attack the Iron Mask, Athos to his rounds but could not wait to see her Renee, he seemed a teenager's first love, the night was announced Upon arrival, when she entered the master arm, Athos saw was not alone in admiring the young, we all watched with admiration and envy, he felt not contain, I wanted to go to her when she looked at him mischievously, but he stopped by the voice behind him, Prince Phillipe also fell under the spell of the girl, saying she was beautiful, the Musketeer is surprised by the declaration of the prince, but Athos replied that it was the most beautiful girl, Prince continued its dialogue, ending with the confession of asking to be his wife, Athos turned pale at the statement, I try to persuade but to no avail, Athos would knock and say that she was his, but had to restrain himself, then Porthos stood by his side and had asked him, seeing his face pale, Athos said the prince wanted to marry her Renee, Porthos did not believe what I hear, but he said it was missing she accepted, Renee only had Athos eyes, but said the musketeer incredulous that no woman would reject a prince, Porthos yelled indignantly, as could doubt the integrity of the young, he recalled that she was not a normal girl, apologized Athos, the giant I try to reassure him by saying that at the time when the prince declared she would hit in the nose, Athos reminded that they were on duty outside this Renee danced with the prince who after a while asked her out to the terrace, the pretext was to see the fireworks gift of Cardinal, Renee surcharge on the marble balustrade, the prince put his hand over hers, it made her look at him, the prince began a romantic dialogue, declare it finished, she pulled away some of it, surprised that she said was not the right person for him, the prince insisted, but she said she did not love him she loved another and could not marry without love, her feelings were misleading, confusing a friendship with love, the prince understood what he said and realized he only felt friendship for her, they hugged and confirmed that one would be friends, but the embrace was misinterpreted by Athos and Porthos, who watched from afar, what they saw was a kiss, Athos felt his heart ripped out, Porthos could not believe she had done that, they left the scene, Renee and the prince returned to the hall, but she could see the two angry man away, she weird that he was not with her, to ask him the next morning, that morning the girl went for the Musketeer, when found, the Musketeer is away from her quickly saying that he had duties, Renee went to Porthos to find out that he had, the giant was rude to her saying it was his fault, Renee did not understand, asked for an explanation of Porthos, the giant told him to kiss the prince saw her, she was indignant at the comment, he continued saying that I embrace, she said yes, it was comforting when I reject their proposal, Porthos hastened to apologize for thinking ill of her, I explain that they knew of the proposal and then saw them hugging, Renee was furious turned and went looking for Athos to his room whip when she entered the door, turned around Athos upset and asked to leave, Renee claims bothered by thinking he could kiss another man, coolly told him that saw her and congratulate her on her marriage, her angry arrogant tone more, she said she rejected the proposal because they loved him, she began to mourn as he said he could never marry without love, if he did not need to zoom out silly excuses, turned to leave but stopped Athos hug and apologize , said he was jealous when he saw her in the arms of another, felt die or it will hug and kiss to see how sincere he was, a tender kiss turned out to be a passionate kiss, they were so closely united that nothing could stop his desire, but when gold touched the breast of the young, the react, she stiffened, Athos noticed and stopped, saying he could do it, Renee stood up and apologized, he said it was not his fault but until not recover the memory did not want to force anything to regret later, she felt bad for not remembering their relationship, Athos said it would be patient, then try to return the medallion, but Renee does not accept it until it was Aramis, they gave a tender kiss, a chapter with a break and a very passionate reconciliation that might have consequences, frankly I'm glad to be given time, the wait will be good, but Athos was lucky, he made out the wrath of Aramis, when they were very passionate, was waiting for the moment that iron mask jumped out the window to attack by touching Athos Renee, I hope to update soon, thanks for sharing ^ _____ ^.

Nuovo recensore
02/03/12, ore 14:29

beh, wow! Sono d'accordo con citosol, sei davvero la maestra della suspence e dei colpi di scena, non mi sarei mai aspettata qualcosa del genere, prima il principe che vuole chiedere in sposa Renee, poi tutto il fraintendimento tra i moschettieri, e poi, per fortuna, dopo tutta la spiegazione la riconciliazione di Athos e Renee/Aramis, davvero un bel capitolo! Non vedo l'ora di leggere cosa succederà in futuro, aggiorna il più presto possibile, non sto più nella pelle, e sono letteralmente sul bordo della sedia, non tenermi sulle spine per troppo tempo, non vorrei farmi male XD!


Nuovo recensore
02/03/12, ore 14:14
Cap. 19:

E finalmente i due piccioncini si sono dichiarati, e in che modo!! Comunque, un altro bel capitolo, che a mke non sembra forzato ma scritto bene come sempre, scorrevolissimo da leggere e la successione degli eventi è messa in modo perfetto. La fine mi ha lasciata senza fiato, non vedo l'ora di leggere del loro secondo duello, che come sai, adoro, quindi vado ora al prossimo capitolo!


Recensore Veterano
02/03/12, ore 14:09

E io che speravo....
Sei proprio la maestra della suspense e dei colpi di scena! Addirittura Philippe che insidia la supremazia di Athos su Renée...e che crede di farla franca!

:) cmq hai regione, se il buongiorno si vede dal mattino, direi proprio che quando quei due saranno nuovamente soli tête a tête ne vedremo delle belle