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Autore: BaronessSamedi    07/01/2014    2 recensioni
Farsi male, a parole, con gli oggetti, con i propri modi di essere e di fare ...
Genere: Drammatico, Triste | Stato: completa
Tipo di coppia: Nessuna
Note: nessuna | Avvertimenti: Tematiche delicate
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Riding towards infinite
on a ripped shoulder blade
makes the same noise as a cracking brain
Ridiculous grotesque angel
Your demons have found you again
Now you so want it to be over
that you can't see that it's alright
As long as you have blood left to bleed
Can't you see it's all just a joke from lust and absence
Cast a spell that's already broken
It's cruel but it's fun
to see you wake up every day
waiting for some sort of unholy deliverance
The child you raise dead
is a warm feather from a frozen wing
The love that you kill
A flinch of a serpent in a wounded spine.
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