Anime & Manga > Kamigami no Asobi: Ludere Deorum
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Autore: Hhxpe    14/01/2019    0 recensioni
IT: Vorrei vivere in questa realtà, dove tutto è come ho semore voluto che fosse, ma non ci vivo, e mai lo farò, perché tutti, prima o poi, si risvegliano. ENG: I wish i lived in this reality, where everything is as i always wanted it to be, but i dont, and i will never do, because everybody, at some point, awakens.
Genere: Sentimentale, Triste | Stato: completa
Tipo di coppia: Shonen-ai | Personaggi: Balder Hringhorni, Loki Laevatein
Note: nessuna | Avvertimenti: nessuno
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«Look, there are fireworks»   He grabbed my hand and ran across the wooden bridge, then clasping his hands around the parapet. one, another and another one. Tons of colored lights exploding in the darkness of the starry sky, uncontaminated by any artificial light. Just Light and Dark, the two sides that were part of him where one is good and one is bad. But in his eyes their reflection was even brighter. That was him, the real him. He never seemed so happy since we're here, and that makes me feel good, too. I move my left hand closer to his. He notices it, putting his right one over mine, resulting in me immediatly holding it. Why can't we stay like this forever? Why can't we stay Together forever? As he smiles at me, i turn my head, blushing. I feel my pulse accelerating from beat to beat. Is this what love really is? He talks. «How do you feel about me?»     I stayed quiet for a few seconds. «I thought you were perfect and i fell in love with you. Then, i saw you weren't, and i loved you even more.»   i gently replied. «And you?»   He didn't say anything. «Loki» he whispers «Yes?» «Loki?» again «What?» «Loki, why are you crying?» «i'm not crying, what's happening?» I feel a chill down my back.  «Loki» Suddenly, everything becomes silent.    I'm waking up.
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