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Sora & D'Artagnan - Uno per tutti... e tutti contro gli Heartless!
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Recensore Master
05/05/13, ore 15:26

Oddio, anche la strega della Bella addormentata del bosco?
L'ultimo personaggio non ho capito chi sia .Davvero, non mi viene in mente niente !
Una cosa l'ho capita ,questi due sono i cattivoni principali e Pietro Gambadilegno č al loro servizio. sai cosa stavo pensando? Sarebbe bello se D'Artagnan e compagni fossero anch'essi fatti a computer.Chissā cosa ne uscirebbe fuori.

Recensore Veterano
12/04/12, ore 08:26

Hello! I hope this good! ^ _____ ^ I am happy to continue writing and updating, Dartagnan still do not believe what happened, you must go to warn the Musketeers but is afraid to let Constance alone, they decide to separate in order to act, but Dartagnan must explain to their friends the whole story, as it will take, again unfortunately are stuck to the bottom, the worst is that they are the target of revenge, I again have to face his worst enemy the Iron Mask, worse, to a witch as evil, I wonder if we have to fear seeing a beautiful blonde with blue eyes, in danger of falling under a spell, if she bites her finger with the use of a spinning wheel, just a kiss of love the wake, unfortunately do not know they are a woman, there is no way to break the spell, I hope the next chapter soon, thanks for sharing ^ _____ ^.