Recensioni per
di Lunaris Dies

Questa storia ha ottenuto 614 recensioni.
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Neutre o critiche: 2 (guarda)

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Nuovo recensore
13/03/15, ore 02:27

Hello, I want to tell you that story was awesome, but non-con scenes was sometimes little much... well in my opinion... but characters, story and whole world you made in this story was good ;) ... in the end I was thinking you made a mess again :P ... but gladly no... lol, do you want your readers to love-hate you for some scenes? XD it was thanks to this your story I found this fanfiction page, so I hope I will be able find something good here... In the end I can tell you that even when it was hard read it in this language, I enjoyed it ;) (btw, my language isn't english, but I don't think you could read comment in my native language :D )... so, thanks for story

Recensore Veterano
20/07/14, ore 23:28

puņ essere interessante la tua storia, ma ti do un consiglio: non cominciare con una dedica lunga mezza pagina, non sei J. K. Rowling, appari solo un po' ridicola...