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Autore: Princess Kurenai   Capitolo: 12
30 Day NSFW OTP Challenge
1. Cuddles | Rumbelle
2. Kiss | SwanQueen
3. First Time | HookFire
4. Troubles | RedLace
5. Forget | FireWood
6. Undressing | MadHook
7. Intimacy | Rumbelle
8. Skype | SwanQueen
9. Wall | MadWhale
10. New Sensations | Captain Charming
11. Torn to pieces | MadHearts
12. Look at me | SwanQueen
13. Tease | Hookfire
14. Interesting | MadWhale
15. Nothing Else | OutlawQueen
16. Car | SwanFire
17. Brother | Jonescest
18. Morning | SwanQueen
19. Leaves in his hair | OutlawPirate
20. Wedding Night | Rumbelle
21. Shower | SwanQueen
22. On the Desk | MadWhale
23. We're Even | Hookfire
24. Shy | Eriel
25. With toys | SwanQueen
26. Boring | GoldenGreen
27. Biting | MadHook
28. Roleplay | Frankenwolf
29. Caramel | SwanQueen
30. Tickling | HookFire
Personaggi: Un po' tutti
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