Membro dal: 17/05/12
Nuovo recensore (16 recensioni)

18 anni | ragazza | nightwisher | tumblr maniac

Πάντα στο νου σου νάχεις την Ιθάκη.
Always keep in mind Ithaca
Tieni sempre a mente Itaca

Αλλά μη βιάζεις το ταξείδι διόλου.
But do not hurry the voyage.
Ma non affrettare il viaggio

Η Ιθάκη σ' έδωσε τ'ωραίο ταξίδι.
Ithaca has given you a nice trip.
Itaca ti ha dato un bel viaggio.

Άλλα δεν έχει να σε δώσει πιά.
She has nothing more to give.
Non ha nient'altro da darti.

Favourite Pairinings
Hunger Games: EffiexHaymitch, KatnissxGale
A Song of Ice and Fire: CatelynxEddard, CerseixJaime, DaenerysxJorah, DaenerysxDaario, JonxYgritte, RhaegarxLyanna, ShaexTyrion
LOTR & others: AragornxChiunque-tranne-Arwen, CelebornxGaladriel
Marvel Universe: CharlesxErik (alias ProfessorXxMagneto), LokixVi-prego-chiunque-ma-non-Thor
...to be continued...

Ex IamtheRevolution

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