Membro dal: 04/01/15
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Never underestimate a girl’s love for her favorite band. Never think even for a minute, that she won’t defend them to her death. Because it’s not just the music that makes that band her favorite. It’s the guys, the gals. It’s the fans. People whom of which she has interacted with thanks to the band. That band might of saved her life, or just made her smile everyday. That band has never broke her heart and has yet to leave her. No wonder she finds such joy in her music.


Alex è un semplice adolescente che vive a Baltimore e passa la maggior parte del suo tempo con i suoi due migliori amici: Zack e Rian.
Ma poi arriva Jack, timido e con qualche segreto...
Autore: Marceline | Pubblicata: 03/03/13 | Aggiornata: 23/08/13 | Rating: Rosso
Genere: Fluff, Romantico | Capitoli: 14 | In corso
Tipo di coppia: Slash | Note: AU, Lemon, OOC | Avvertimenti: Nessuno
Categoria: Fanfic su artisti musicali > All Time Low |  Leggi le 81 recensioni