- ..Lord Brother? ...Do you remember this ring?
- No, what's that?
- You have forgotten... That is too bad.
When I was young, when I was with you in Cronwell, you made a promise to me, brother.
You said: when I grew larger, I'll take you as my bride.
- Yes, but, surely... Priscilla?
- Yes, I know. It was a child's game.
Flash-fic, o meglio Drabble mancata :), sui pensieri di Priscilla in merito a Raven e ai suoi sentimenti per lui.
Anarya |
Pubblicata: 24/11/11 | Aggiornata: 24/11/11 |
Rating: Verde
Genere: Introspettivo, Malinconico, Romantico | Capitoli: 1 - Flashfic | Completa
Note: Nessuna | Avvertimenti: Nessuno
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