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L'orrendo foco
di GaiaTon

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Nuovo recensore
10/07/12, ore 16:26
Cap. 22:

Ciao, ho aspettato con ansia questo capitolo e devo dire Magnifico!!!!
Unica critica, ma è facile che sia un problema mio, sono un po' tarda, in alcuni punti ho seguito con difficoltà la scena: preciso con un esempio quando dici "Avanzò piano verso di lui chiedendosi se Milady poteva aver tramutato in odio l’amore immenso che nutriva per lui" Chi è che avanza Aramis? Athos? ciòè immagino sia Athos a preoccuparsi che le rivelazioni di Milady abbiano mutato i sentimentti di Aramis per lui, ma la scena mi risulta un pò confusa e poi più avanti quando dici ". Lo guardò da sopra: il soldato fiero e intelligente che amava alla follia. Gli lesse la mortificazione sul viso" Chi è che guarda chi? E chi è che ha lo sguardo mortificato... Athos? ma ribadisco forse è un problema mio che sono un po' tarda e mi perdo... specie quando mi faccio prendere dalla storia.
Infatti con questo capitolo mi sono nuovamente entusiasmata dopo un breve momento di "raffreddamento". Temevo infatti che la storia, dopo un inizio originale e dai buoni spunti, rovinasse nel trito e ritrito copione del: "dopo che lui l'ha insultata, ferita in tutti i modi come neanche i suoi aguzzini erano riusciti, i due si riappacificano perchè vengono sopraffatti dalla passione e vissero tutti felici e contenti" ed invece ecco qui la perla che ribalta tutte le carte in tavola! Finalmente Aramis grazie a milady è costretta a vedere Athos per quello che è: un uomo pieno di difetti e bugiardo almeno quanto e più di lei e finalmente lo protrà tirare giù da quell'altare di perfezione dove l'aveva messo. Qui, secondo me, puoi far finalmente reagire Aramis: farle ritrovare amor proprio e grinta! D'altra parte o così o per lei resta solo la pazzia e la morte quale alternativa... Puoi usare Porthos come molla per farla reagire. Lui è l'amico fedele per eccellenza che con la sua concretezza e schiettezza, insieme al capitano De Treville, è l'unico che ha capito fino in fondo la situazione tra Aramis e Athos e quanto fosse sbagliato in quel momento il loro rapporto e la loro relazione: lei troppo indifesa e sucube, lui troppo combattuto e pieno di problemi irrisolti. Di sicuro non sarà facile ma credo che solo dopo che si è distrutto dalle fondamente un edificio pericolante si possa costruirne uno realmente solido e duraturo. Il mio consiglio quindi è che se vuoi che le cose funzionino tra Athos ed Aramis i due devono entrambi ritrovare per prima loro stessi facendo pace con i loro demoni e poi devono ricominciare da zero .... direi dalle presentazioni a conoscersi e poi si vedrà...

Recensore Junior
09/07/12, ore 23:28
Cap. 22:

evvai...ora può entrare in scena il nostro buon porthos.....sì dai qui ci sta davvero bene!
ora lui che protegge la sua più cara amica( vabbè adesso si dice amica....),impedendo al suo migliore amico di avvicinarsi a sta tutto dai!!!!!!
mi è piaciuta molto la scena di aramis contro milady....

Recensore Junior
09/07/12, ore 18:56
Cap. 22:

bel capitolo come al solito per quanto riguarda la tua domanda.. io sono di parte anche perchè una situazione del genere l'ho già ricreata anche la mia Milady sbatte in faccia ad Renèe( nel mio caso) la verità su Athos ma poi l'amour trionfa sempre... secondo me la tua Aramis molla tutto per andarsene in fondo ha ancora il casato donatole dalla regina no?? e mi immagino Athos al suo inseguimento che cerca di farla capitolare...

Recensore Veterano
09/07/12, ore 10:43
Cap. 22:

Hello! like this? ^ ____ ^, A painful chapter, with lots of action, unfortunately tragic, because not only left a broken heart, a heart that was killed to recover, the great fear came true Porthos, will be more difficult to recover the wounded soul Aramis woke with a sore head and shoulders for a moment thought he was back in his cell, but she looked around a room with a table where his arms and Athos, she look at his companion, he was chained to the floor away from her, I could see that if wound was reopened, she called him to wake him, Athos react, the first thing was to ask how she was, both confirmed that they were fine when the room door was opened Milady entered with a look that both feared the worst Musketeers, Aramis looked at her with a hatred that did not understand, but just remember everything he did, made her hate her more, Athos also looked like a demon, Milady turned to the table to select the weapon you would use first, she took the dagger from Aramis, I wonder if it was, the challenge Aramis, Milady slapped result causing the wrath of Athos, she was happy the musketeer, she I ask him if he gave the knife to Aramis, Athos did not answer, Milady Aramis aimed a blow at the bow was asked again to Athos, he replied that if he gave the knife to Aramis, Athos Milady gift confirm that the dagger when Aramis Musketeer received his mantle, as that wise?, both looked Musketeers, Aramis try to fit in the chair where it was tied, she thought a form of release would be very painful but also that his forces would be reduced, but not had no choice but to dislocate the shoulder and wrist, but his action was interrupted when Milady started talking to Athos with a name she did not know, Milady saw the confused look of Aramis, Athos then addressed, saying he did not counted out his true identity, even when he made his mistress, Aramis said he did not believe anything, she lied, she began to tell Milady that Athos was Count Oliver de la Fere, Milady was his wife and they were married, Athos was not free, seeing that he had the attention of the girl, Milady went to Athos and kissed him, the Musketeer began to squirm, she was hurting in the wound, except that bothered him the touch of that woman, Milady turned to say who was the wife of Athos, Aramis felt die, but still did not believe it until Athos cry that was false, I wanted to hear the earth swallows it, but wanted to destroy Aramis Milady she continued pouring alcohol to bleeding wound, Athos face him cry, he wanted to tell the truth, but Aramis turned to him, had more important things to think about, or concentrating on something else, Athos is cursed, never thought it could be ruthless, as well I can not imagine loving again, but Milady started his torture to Aramis said she was exactly like the behavior of Athos, the way was saying that he loved her, Aramis just nodded, the evil woman said steps he continued to court her, never wrong, she told Aramis knew all that, it was his wife, did the same with her, shouted Athos to shut up, Milady turned to the left claiming that hung from the tree Aramis was not listening is concentrated on achieving disengage his wrist, Milady was looking for another weapon, Aramis was ready to disengage his arm and free himself from the ropes, she would not cross looks to Athos, he pretended to go tied, Milady turned Aramis to hurt her, but Athos to stop call her by her name, Aramis was the coup de grace, the musketeer killed told him that she was not guilty, said Milady's lover kill her husband, when the woman is ready to stab Aramis this was released, the two women began fighting, Aramis was blinded by pain, anger, a cry that belonged to no one, the two stared, a move would be fatal, Aramis had to get a weapon in addition to protecting Athos, Aramis took his sword, Milady want to hurt Athos, this achievement roll to dodge the knife, Aramis achievement have an advantage over his rival, fought on finally achieving Aramis master, but not shattered by pain was contained beating mercilessly, until the voice of Athos her out of her grief, telling him to stop, she will assure a hook, seeing that he would do more damage, recovering his composure as a soldier, remembered he had an accomplice who never to found, was the man who also damage the cell, Aramis try to catch his breath, went to Athos I look at it in a way you never thought, I wanted to hit him, but could not think that the love she felt for him was turned to hatred, even loved him but was destroyed at that time I hear horses approaching, Aramis, Athos tried to deliver but it took the keys to the chains, she went in search of a partner, he found in his blood, Aramis began to feel ill, pain fatigue was running with his forces at that time met Dartagnan, Rocheford and Porthos, she pointed out the room with Athos, without saying anything started down the stairs until he fainted, Porthos the caught before he fell.

This time will be very difficult to get Aramis of depression, she'll be a while convalescing from his injuries, will not want to know anything about Athos did not want to see, and Paris want to leave quickly because he has nothing, if Milady dies will not marry her, Aramis has nailed the words of the witch, she was the mistress of a married man, but what happened to the locket Aramis, Milady not use it against them, how they will recover if do not know they have Milady, I think a fight between Athos and Porthos is gate, Porthos was afraid this would happen because he knows that may be lost to Aramis, Aramis might try to escape without anyone noticing? , expected to recover to escape it, that will do to recover Aramis Athos, like going to apologize for not trusting her, I hope the next chapter soon, thanks for sharing ^ ____ ^.

Recensore Veterano
09/07/12, ore 00:08
Cap. 22:

penso che la tua storia sia fatta veramente molto bene, è tutto dosato con sapienza e nei tempi giusti.
E poi, io ho sempre molto ammirazione per chi riesce a descrivere le scene d'azione, e tu lo fai veramente bene, senza lesinare sui particolari e sulla psicologia dei personaggi.
Cosa dovrebbero fare adesso i nostri?
Beh, vediamo... i nemici sono morti (a meno che non ci sia qualcun altro nascosto nell'ombra), e quindi si potrebbe veleggiare verso il prevedibile happy-end.
Però, però...
Le rivelazioni di Milady sono state a dir poco destabilizzanti per Aramis, e la mia esperienza personale dice che queste cose vanno sempre a finire nel peggiore dei modi. Il sospetto e la delusione, il desiderio di rivalsa e di ferire rimarranno inconsciamente per sempre.
Se dovessi dare retta alla psicologa che è in me, finirebbe malissimo.
Ma se dovessi dare retta alla sognatrice che alberga in me, si potrebbe fare come nelle peggiori (o migliori, dipende dai punti di vista) soap-opera!

Recensore Junior
08/07/12, ore 15:27

brava bel capitolo! ricco di suspance e di emozione.
Milady cattivissima e vendicativa all'ennesima potenza! ora che farà? ucciderà Aramis per poi "spupazzarsi"* il maritino? in senso cattivo si intende(* lo so che non è il sinonimo giusto ma capiscimi... sono tornata alle 4 stamattina e faccio ancora un pò di fatica a capire perchè sono al mondo)

Recensore Veterano
08/07/12, ore 14:58

solo una cosa da fare ora....

mammamia ragazza mia!
Più che convincente: REALE!!!
Sembrava di essere lì a fremere. Milady è cattiva cattivissima, e ha un movente per diventare nuovamente un'assassina. Pericolosa come non mai ha tra le sue mani il maritino e la sua nuova fiamma. Come se non avesse già abbastanza motivi per odiare e voler morta e sepolta Aramis...

Come plus, conoscendo i retroscena, devo dire che sei stata una grande ad uscirtene con questo capitolo, hai proprio avuto un'idea GENIALE che si sposa perfettamente con i caratteri dei nostri beneamati. Mi ripeto: GENIALE.

E ora non può che essere terribile quello che ci aspetta...

Recensore Veterano
08/07/12, ore 05:02

Hello! like this? ^ ____ ^, In his hiding Milady looked at his trophy, medallion Aramis, she saw him with the same hatred of its owner, she is ready to escape from Paris, but thanks to the Musketeers Charmine able to know where her hideout unfortunately this woman had ways to monitor the perimeter, when I look through his telescope the first thing I saw was caramel Athos and Aramis, for his pride was the coup de grace, apart from his hiding place was discovered, her ex-husband had dared to take it out of your mind and heart, with the birth of a new love, she could not allow it, but first had to get away, then the battle began, the four friends fought like old times, when they managed to escape some of the men of Milady, Aramis saw when this was escando, without thinking ran to prevent their escape, but Milady had already boarded the boat, blinded by anger Aramis jump to this, but still I manage to jump into the boat, not could keep his balance, fell so violently that giving unconscious, which was by Athos Aramis, he ran after her, when he saw her go by Milady, with horror saw Aramis did not move on the deck of the boat, when Athos achievement reach the deck of the boat safe, wanted to go see Aramis but the enemy was prevented, resulting in a violent duel, in his distress Athos wanted to end his opponent to see Aramis, Milady behind was ready to shoot but there was no chance, Athos I end up with his opponent, when he wanted to go by Aramis was beaten unconscious by falling back, and Porthos Dartagnan could only view with anguish about what happened because the boat was out of reach, hours later, Milady had everything ready to escape, his accomplice had a wagon loaded with barrels of jewelry was missing only take care of the Musketeers, who were still unconscious, she instructed the man to do with them, one time I finish its task, Milady offered him a bottle of wine in which moments before had poured poison, the man drank the poison did not take long to take effect, Milady got rid of her latest accessory, now only had to fulfill his revenge in his two enemies.

Now we know what happened to Aramis medal after his arrest, logical Athos has to recover for his beloved, because now openly shows his love Athos, Milady unfortunately witnessed this, causing her hatred of Aramis, but as happens to the captain to send Aramis against the enemy, it was logical to commit an imprudence to be against their tormentors, unfortunately an accident put at risk Aramis, Athos was anxious to help, but now both are in the hands of a demon, Milady got rid of his accomplice, who can expect to Athos and Aramis his hatred, he ordered his accomplice to chain Athos, Aramis she plans to eliminate the sight of Athos?, Aramis has already suffered the evil Milady, Athos has to do something, I hope to update, thanks for sharing ^ ___ ^.

Recensore Veterano
19/06/12, ore 23:03
Cap. 20:

Hello! like this? ^ ____ ^, A very hot episode, Dartagnan Aramis went to tell the enemy had begun their misdeeds, they burned their shelter, to destroy all the incriminating evidence, Aramis felt useless and humiliated for the first time, all his friends were on a mission without it, to Athos could not be quiet, the Gascon was to calm her down and ask him to stay, they return with news, had started a storm, it would be good to help control the fire, she felt the need for revenge, took the sword but could not, hours later Aramis lighted candles to continue drawing more, she started drawing with a different air, after being in the arms of Athos, she was agitated, restless, could not live without Athos, then knocked on the door, Athos was to tell what happened, he was all wet, but awakens to find he did not think the captain knew that if, Athos realized that she was only a thin nightdress was barefoot, Athos gave his report, managed to burn all the evidence, tried to extinguish the fire but it was useless, the worst was that they escaped, but they have not left Paris, so there is still danger, Aramis asked by his friends, he said who were guarding the place, Aramis began to think and worry, she knew that the end is near, all were in danger, she was afraid of remembering the past, Athos realized his fear, took her hand to kiss, he said good night, Aramis react badly, asked him to stop, Athos agree to leave, but she asked him to stay a little longer, he refused, said he had to think, he retired, when I hear the clothes fall Aramis, the attempt to take it when I hear the petition of Aramis, she asked him to stay with her that night, Athos shuddered at his touch, resisting treatment, but she moved closer to him, Athos could not resist his touch to your body Naked, he began to caress her, they hugged, denuded Athos took her in his arms, completely surrendered their repressed desires, Aramis surrendered completely to the man she loved, Athos even had an internal struggle, he was not very convinced but surrendered to it, the storm outside was, almost dawn when entejaron a second time, Aramis, Athos knew he was a lover insatiable and wanted to try all of it, Aramis told him I loved him, Athos hesitate to say something, but Aramis when he tried it with silent kisses, as not wanting to hear something that would not, when it dawned Athos back to your room without anyone noticing, but before leaving he said that after it was over Aramis could perhaps, Porthos and Dartagnan returned for breakfast, while Aramis was happy in his bed breathing the scent of Athos.

Aramis feeling that everything would end soon, right or wrong, as a sort of farewell, seduced Athos, could be your only time to have the man she loved, no matter if it was just a one night, I knew he would not accept , but ended up giving up, they were given in full, but once it ended I wanted to talk Athos, Aramis not leave, do not want to hear what he knew, he preferred to continue his love, but in the end he said there might be something she was happy Now to see if there are no consequences later, apart from maybe one of them ends with a broken heart, will they finally be happy together? I hope the next chapter, thanks for sharing
^ _____ ^.

Recensore Junior
19/06/12, ore 22:11
Cap. 20:

Wow!!!!!!! Ok, ok, commento per come si deve! Athos finalmente ha aperto il suo cuore, ma ancora non vuole approfittarne, pensando che lei non sia pronta. Lei, a dispetto di ciò che pensa Porthos (che spero non metta in pericolo la coppia), è invece innamorata e sicura di volere il suo amore, ormai non ha nulla da perdere, si concede perchè la vita le ha insegnato che il tempo è prezioso, e bisogna godere di ogni singolo attimo. L'amore tra i due è travolgente, passionale, infuocato ma con tanta dolcezza. Cosa dire? Che mi hai fatto sognare finora, che non mi aspettavo questi sviluppi repentini, (anche se la storia si articola su un tempo lungo mesi) che cmq ogni cosa che succede per adesso mi fa vedere le stelline, perchè gli occhi di Aramis per il momento sono anche i miei. Voglio continuare a vedere la vita con gioia, certe volte c'è bisogno di leggere qualcosa che viene da dentro, ti prende come non mai e ti lascia il sapore dolce negli occhi... grazie per le tue parole, grazie per ciò che hai scritto, sei perfetta, ti ammiro e ti incito a continuare a scrivere.
(Recensione modificata il 19/06/2012 - 11:37 pm)

Recensore Veterano
19/06/12, ore 20:55
Cap. 20:

Cosa posso aggiungere di più in pubblico rispetto a quello che ti ho già detto in privato?
Che la tua narrazione è delicata ma terribilmente eccitante?
Che hai saputo cogliere ogni aspetto della loro passione bruciante?
Che ho amato leggere e rileggere ogni parola?
Che è così dolorosamente bello che ora uno ha paura che possa succedere qualcosa (qualunque cosa) che rovini tutto?

Mi inchino davanti alla perfezione.

Recensore Junior
19/06/12, ore 16:05
Cap. 20:

finalmente il primo passo è stato come mai ho la sensazione che nulla sarà così semplice?
cioè sembra essersi finalmente risolto qualcosa mi dice che....non finisce qui!^^
brava davvero,un capitolo moloto intenso e sensuale!

Recensore Junior
19/06/12, ore 14:30
Cap. 20:

che porcellini!!!
wow! che descrizione.. per un attimo ho temuto di dover correggere la mia!
stupendissima! mi sa che avrò bisogno della sigaretta post orgasmica di citosol..almeno io la fumo!
furbo l'amico a far finta di andare a dormire..speriamo che nessuno lo becchi se no addio buone intenzioni!

Recensore Veterano
19/06/12, ore 13:30

Eh, no, un momento: hai già postato un golosissimo nuovo capitolo da leggere, ma io devo ancora marcare il territorio anche qui!
Finalmente ecco uno dei miei capitoli preferitissimi, dove Athos tira fuori la bestia che è in lui e finalmente cede all'impulso del momento!
La vera sorpresa qui è Porthos che si è preso seriamente a cuore Aramis...mi sa che Athos dovrà rendere conto non ad un possessivo padre o un premuroso fratello ma bensì ad un grooooooosso moschettiere inviperito! :)
(Recensione modificata il 19/06/2012 - 03:22 pm)

Recensore Junior
18/06/12, ore 13:59

finalmente si sono più o meno compresi..almeno da un punto di vista prettamente carnale... mi piace soprattutto Porthos..lui sì che è un amico vero e sincero e profondamente protettivo verso la sua amica.. Athos..stai attento a quello che fai.. ora hai fatto il passo..spero non più lungo della gamba..non puoi più tornare indietro..altrimenti entro io stessa nella storia e ti faccio vedere i sorci verdi!