Recensioni per
L'orrendo foco
di GaiaTon

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Nuovo recensore
20/03/13, ore 04:42

And here it was, the «last part of the road» the four friends made together^^
And what an arrival at the lands of the «Comte» - Grimaud and the men are true guardians!! had't it been for Athos, they would have attacked the other three...^^
I truly could feel all along the chapter the rising tension of Athos, as he approached his lands... he then made everything for his friends to feel comfortable, Aramis included (a bath^^ that is a nice link with the anime, it was like this that Jean discovered Aamis was a woman, by eyesdropping at the door^^)
And I also loved the moment when Aramis realised Athos wasn't coming to sleep, and she goes looking for him.. and she teases him with the same words he uses «I'll only sleep the absolute minimum...» - but YAY!!! he understood her message, and he came upstairs, to «her» room... and what a gentleman he is too...LOL... he washes himself all clean before joining her in the bed, and I could see his every move the same way as Aramis with her eyes closed^^
And then finally, they let themselves go, and that all night long... so much for sleeping...^^ Ok, Aramis fell asleep, but he couldn't... Again, he feels sooooooooooooooooooooooo guilty for all of this happening, for her scars, her suffering, and for not being able to just stay with her and get married and live a happy life...

Ok, I have just one question about something I didn't understand in italian: what is «la torre della badessa»? Is it the remains of the convent that burned down many years ago, after Olivier met Anne and they married?? It's the place where he met Anne??
And why is Aramis so worried when she says she heard the servants say that the tower seems to be haunted??? And Athos reacts nervously - that's never happened before... And why the link to «3 anni fa» and «la maschera»?? Is she afraid that the Iron Mask isn't dead, and might be here too?? And Athos reacts nervously like this because he KNOWS that Milady is here, and preparing something?? And he's worried, because he saw Aramis didn't eat anything and had a trembling hand...
But Porthos - I love Porthos!!! He simply says «Andremo a dare un’occhiata, domattina. Vero, Athos?”, fece risoluto Porthos, anche se non c’era neanche bisogno di dirlo, ed addentò una cotoletta di montone. » and then continues eating!!! Bravo, Porthos!!!

Ok, this is long enough as a comment, thank you for reading it, and for answering to what you can^^
And please, update soon, this is truly becoming a climax, now that we know the «final battle» is about to begin... But surely you have some surprises for us!!
Grazie, a presto^^

Recensore Junior
12/02/13, ore 16:42

Trovo che la scena iniziale sia bellissima, così leggera e "familiare". Hai aperto il capitolo con un momento di tangibile felicità e lo hai chiuso con una mesta considerazione di Athos che mi ha riportata "alla realtà dei fatti", fuori da quella bolla di apparente tranquillità che hai creato con gli ultimi due capitoli.
Dopo questa rincorsa mi preparo al salto vero e proprio e spero che arrivi presto!

Recensore Junior
12/02/13, ore 16:41

Mica male questa rincorsa prima del salto!
Mi è piaciuto molto come hai descritto il rapporto cameratesco tra i moschettieri stemperando anche la tensione del momento e mi ha dato soddisfazione leggere che Aramis è di nuovo ufficialmente al servizio del re. La storia del veleno, però, incombe sempre come un'ombra minacciosa ricordando che non è ancora il momento di tirare un sospiro di sollievo pur essendo ormai prossimi alla fine: trovo che tu abbia calibrato le emozioni in maniera sapiente in un punto della narrazione in cui il rischio di renderla noiosa era alto, quindi non posso che farti i miei complimenti! :)
Solo una cosa mi chiedo: che intenzioni ha Athos nel commissionare quei gioielli?

Recensore Junior
30/01/13, ore 08:05

Continuo sempre a seguirti, mi piace la tua storia, ora vediamo come si svilupperà.
Scusa se non commento oltre, scrivo dal cell.

Recensore Veterano
29/01/13, ore 22:54

Hello! like this? ^ _____ ^ I like this chapter, it seems that Athos to restart his relationship with Aramis, but feels as cold and distant, while traveling their approaches are cautious, his friends were concerned that they did not find, they rejoiced when they found and in what form, perched on a tree drawing (Type Candy Candy, freckled Tarzan as Terry told), the musketeer was captivated by his jokes, his character, trying to talk to her, to hold her, but Aramis was defensive, was not aggressive, but very elusive, she resisted making seduced, the musketeer accept the challenge, the Musketeers continued their journey to reach a forest, who apparently was known for Athos, Aramis realized the attitude of his companion, she was suspicious when several men barred their way, especially in your sinuses names Earl, after arguing that there was no reason to stop, Aramis ordered to follow, but one of the men wanted to stop, that Athos has intervened, giving know, that he was the Earl, owner of the land, after the welcome, were taken to a hunting lodge, ready for your accommodation, at dinner, Aramis saw Athos was tighter than usual, but his sense of no warning, the next day would investigate the tower, the musketeer saw her frown not, but wanted to enjoy the bath if indeed she relaxed, but I wanted to talk to her partner, she would look at the floor, he was looking for and reading documents, Aramis rebuked him for not going to rest, he had a cot nearby, was not the best to rest at home, she was upset, I look and quickly retreat, Athos wanted but could not reach it, lay Aramis in bed, as was large Athos wished to fill the void, one minute after his wish was fulfilled, the musketeer first took a bath, and then meet in the bed with her lover, she accepted with pleasure, but distressed that see their brands, asked to turn off the light indiscreet, Athos understood his discomfort, turn off the light, but saying she had nothing to hide, that he loved her no matter what, the kiss scars, they are together and happy at last made love all night, until he was asleep, Athos is cursed for not being able to swear his life to Aramis, Athos finally regained the love of Aramis, she has accepted it, but something is concerned, the musketeer Aramis will be protected, the ghost dwelling in the tower for three years?, Aramis was afraid of losing Athos, which he was confronted by his past, I think I only faithful Grimaud was informed of the identity of Aramis, Athos wanted her to feel comfortable, also do not think all the rooms have a large bed, Aramis finally returned to his beloved, that new dangers they have booked the witch, I hope the next chapter, thanks for sharing ^ _____ ^.

Recensore Junior
29/01/13, ore 21:17

Ho letto questo capitolo gia\' un paio di volte, stavo per commentarlo gia\' circa un\'oretta fa ma poi... Va boh... Quello che mi piace molto del capitolo e\' proprio il fatto che sia \"on the road\"... Adoro la prima parte che cerca di ricalcare bene l\'anime ed ammiro la seconda, dal finale appassionato,ma anche vagamente imprevedibile. In questo caso aspettare queste lunghe settinane ne e\' valsa proprio la pena! Grazie per aver pubblicato

Recensore Veterano
29/01/13, ore 20:39

Per il momento posso commentare dicendo solo "ooooooooh....."?
Che bel capitolo, avventuroso e poetico al tempo stesso, che ti fa stare in bilico sul bordo della sedia per vedere cosa succederà....

Adesso devo andare, ma conto di tornare al più presto a rileggerlo e a commentarlo come si deve!
Per il momento ti meriti un enorme BRAVA! E un immenso grazie!
A presto!

Recensore Junior
29/01/13, ore 15:34

ciao! che bel capitolo! dopo tante disavventure e intoppi ci voleva un pò di relax per i due piccioncini! e poi tu hai reso una descrizione scena si immagina perfettamente ma senza scendere nel dettaglio dei particolari che la renderebbero macchinosa(io ne so qualcosa ). bella anche la scena dell'albero..mi piace come fai emergere il lato giocoso di Aramis e degli altri con naturalezza ad evidenziare la forte amicizia che li lega nonostante tutte le vicissitudini passate insieme..o forse proprio per quelle

Recensore Master
29/01/13, ore 13:45

Bel capitolo.
Aramis è una signora e ci tiene alla sua igiene personale.
ma lo sai che mi hai fatto venire fame? La parte della tavola imbandita,mi ha fatto immaginare una bella tavolata con su piatti e bicchieri stracolmi di ogni ben di Dio.
Intrigante e anche pauroso Il fantasma nella "Torre della badessa".
Mi sono immaginata D'artagnan impaurito con la bocca piena.
L'ultima scena ,romantica.Athos ,sa bene che Aramis non vuole farsi vedere come mamma l'ha fatta (soprattutto ora che porta i segni dellle ustioni).

Nuovo recensore
22/01/13, ore 06:18

Hello, gaiaton,
i'm truly enjoying your story and the way you managed to make everything turn out, even if there was a lot of suffering for Aramis, that she needed a very long time to very slowly become herself again, she did it, with the precious help of her friends, especially Porthos!! And for some chapters, I really wanted to slap Athos for his behaviour...^^ But then his past was haunting him, he managed to put it aside and slowly reconcile with Aramis... until Milady destroyed this new emerging friendship (and love...) in the cabin... What a serpent, Milady... but Aramis managed to KO her, and she was arrested... but Aramis never wanted to see Athos again... she was so broken inside, and again she suffers... But again, thanks to madame de Monsorot, Porthos and Philippe, and "vino dolce" finally, at the ball, they reconcile! And then Rochefort comes... grrrrrr... bad timing...^^ And Athos decides to sacrifice everything for Aramis, the next day, testifying he's Anne's husband, and the Comte de la Fère, so she will definitely be hanged.
But she escapes... again... and all he did was in vain... I liked this chapter 33 very much, it shows how the 4 friends are united and decide to go after Milady, this time with the permission to make justice... I liked the way that all went to Aramis' side, who is still afraid of flames and fire, and how they shared this night in the outside, and that Athos will sleep back to back with her - as now they are united again, as friends, but also with their hearts.
So, let's see what will happen next...^^
I have some questions that I didn't understand about this chapter and the previous ones, so this will be a very long recension... and thank you for answering to me, if you can without revealing spoilers, of course^^
Here they are (I read the chapter more than once, but I still don't understand...):
1- Athos recovered the belongings of "le comte de la Fere" from Vesmul at the prison the day before the ball, or to days before the ball? And this was 3 days ago? And that same day, he went to see mastro Yakov giving him the ring and he got this antidote-immunisation liquid in return? But that day he didn’t know Anne-Milady had escaped yet… because this only happens 2 days ago, the morning after the ball, correct?
And so, in this chapter, Athos has been drinking this antidote for the 3rd day, the night before they are leaving Paris? Because I only counted 2 days since the ball... that's why I don't understand…
And also, when Rivka asks about his father, and that Mastro Yakov saved his father in the past, and if he was already married – does this mean that Milady had poisoned Athos’ father? And that is why mastro Yakov treated Athos’ father?

2- Aramis, Philippe, Porthos and d’Artagnan are waiting for Athos to arrive at Noisy-le-Sec, is that it? That is where he comes to join them the morning after Milady has escaped?

3- Final question: is it because he already took the first dosage of the immunisation-antidote that day, that Athos looks “pale, his shirt is undone, his hair is not in order, and he sweats when Aramis touches his face, even if it is cold”, when he arrives at the hill where Aramis is waiting for him?

4- Finally, more a request than a question: why does he think that they will be attacked with poison by Milady, if she is not expecting them to come looking for her there?
And please, please, please… don’t make Aramis suffer the loss of Athos, now that she has found love again… she won’t survive that…^^ I want him to offer the jewels to his love Aramis… both alive… no sacrifice… (ok, I'm a total A&A romantic...^^)

Grazie per la tua risposta possibile, et posta subito le prossimo capitulo^^ (et grazie di leggere la mia lunga recensione en inglese...)

Recensore Junior
20/01/13, ore 15:43

Non ho recensito tutta la fic (anche perche' stilisticamente e' perfetta e non ho niente da dire), ma ieri ho riletto questo capitolo e mi sono dimenticata di scrivere come 3/4 del forum francese andrebbe in brodo di giuggiole se lo leggesse!!

Recensore Junior
10/01/13, ore 19:41

finalmente sono riuscita a mettermi in pari con la tua storia che è sempre bella ed appassionante.anzi, se possibile, migliora sempre più!
mi piacciono i moschettieri sul piede di guerra...quasi quasi mi dispiace per Milady perchè quando la piglieranno per lei saranno cavoli amari.anzi amarissimi
la strega deve crepare..brutta cattiva che non è altro! brutta serpe che ha fatto tanto del male a tanti!
non vedo l'ora di leggere i prossimi capitoli
ciao un bacio

Recensore Veterano
08/01/13, ore 08:32

Hello! here again! ^ _____ ^, That surprise two chapters, a woman went to Athos, she gave an order he did, I think when Athos asked to be alone to settle their affairs, the thinking and intentions of Milady, at that time wrote to his friends to send him the antidote, but as you may only have three doses, the will to sacrifice?, the going to give them the antidote before dying?, if he gets sick, no one will be the in others, they have not thought Aramis?, it is more likely that the woman is expecting, Athos, Aramis must care for, she will be the target Milady sure, the musketeer also asked a few designs jewelry, she handed him some drawings, is sending some jewelry to make give them to Aramis?, but sure not to return to give them in person, as you can think of to make her suffer so, have everything ready before the worst destinations, but I think if he thought of being protected, she placed an antidote in the body?, all are arranging their affairs, Aramis is leaving Charmine son safe, after all gather to dine with Dartagnan, arrange the last details, Aramis is taking too much wine, and had everything ready, the captain came on that I think is not very happy to see Aramis with them, especially dressed as a man, but is proud of her, the captain gave him a bag Aramis, insurance is the traditional uniform of Aramis, are ready again the four musketeers, Athos is thinking that your friends are going to save, while giving the antidote, except that with his last breath will give them medicine, frankly hope that at no time this poisoned, but if one of them is poisoned, only to have his friends realize they had planned on, without taking into account, I thought Captain Athos and Aramis would oppose outside with them, will not be exposed to the danger is that woman, I hope the next chapter, thanks for sharing ^ ____ ^.

Recensore Veterano
08/01/13, ore 08:30

Hello! as a state? ^ _____ ^, Excellent!, You complete the chapter, has taken a full turn, frustrated Aramis next day I hope to hear from Athos, when he saw it was happy, but he was the bearer of bad news, the witch has escaped and gained revenge with his first victim, Charmine, this coup was to Aramis, but the most affected was Porthos, not clear to me, Athos, if he had to reveal his true identity?, ho escape thanks to the witch, did not have to ?, at least there's one less enemy, perhaps Charmine Aramis had a son going to take? and camping together to establish their movements, after the news about her friend, Aramis is enclosed in thought but not stop watching the fire, Athos realizes Aramis's discomfort, she has a trauma with fire, is logical, but of fear, she moves away from the fire, Athos not want to leave alone and which follows, after dinner with maps spread Athos told where he could have hidden the woman with pain told that the site is part of his past, while all agree with their mission, they went to sleep, to new developments, problems between Athos and Aramis are just nonsense, they almost have reconciled, but still keep their distance, always Athos Aramis yet, try this comfortable, they sleep together, trying to show that you want, Aramis loves Athos, almost forgetting the pain of the past, but is angry with him for not allowing him to be with him, leaving one hand, I hope the next chapter, thanks for sharing ^ ______ ^.

Recensore Veterano
07/01/13, ore 22:59

Adesso che ho riletto gli ultimi capitoli posso affermare con certezza che questa storia è sempre stupenda. Anzi, migliora dopo ogni capitolo. Mi stupisce sempre come tu riesca a rendere reale e attuale (per il milleseicento!) ogni dialogo e ogni comportamento, e accidenti, non vedo l'ora che tu posti i prossimi capitoli...alla faccia della ricorsa per il grande balzo: se questi qui incontrano milady, di lei non rimarranno che brandelli! Bella comunque questa tua idea: mi ricorda tanto la struttura del libro di Dumas, con la vendetta che finalmente si compie! E il tuo Athos è così drammaticamente vivo e umano che lo adoro sempre di più!
(Recensione modificata il 09/01/2013 - 11:16 pm)