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L'orrendo foco
di GaiaTon

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Recensore Veterano
06/06/12, ore 04:39
Cap. 13:

Hello! like this! ^ ____ ^ Thanks for quick update, a chapter that would know how to develop, very emotional I did not expect certain reactions, Aramis shuddered when told he had to return to that place, but thanks to the company of Porthos, was felt supported, en route to prison, Aramis was preparing mentally, when I was at the site entrance Aramis try to remember when they took her arrested, but she is unconscious, just remember when I was in the cell, a cold air in the neck Miady made just remember when the last vestige of feminine vanity she had, she cut off her hair, she returned to reality when I enter a room where the captain was waiting, Aramis looked at the room, she wanted someone who was not , the captain realized and said that Athos was waiting in the cells, Aramis Dartagnan greet the young man proudly said he had caught the executioner, Aramis was terrified, I knew I had to identify, had to be facing his executioner, but it was not just once, she just wanted to forget their captivity, but parresia who wanted to relive it again every day, the captain realized his fear, he offered wine, she rejected it, his stomach was upset, in that time all went to the dungeons below, to Aramis was a very painful way, not only by memories of the place, also because access to the site was not easy for her, her body did not have the strength to walk, when they reached the cell, nothing could be seen gradually she saw a figure who was moaning, he is chained, then he saw the captain for fear that Aramis feel bad, got close to it, so did Porthos at the other end Aramis entered the cell, looked at the man tried to recognize it, but finally said no, a soldier in the cell, he removed a black hood on his head, Aramis was scared when he saw it, but again it was a musketeer of the King, to gain strength, she approached him, took his hands and acknowledged that he was trying to strangle her, she told the captain, but still hesitated, then came Athos saw that his heart began beating fast, I look, but for her there was, the captain called to Dartagnan, the Gascon with the help of soldier brought a duffel bag, they broke out and spread, Aramis approached, were the instruments of torture, Aramis took and observe certain instruments were used which involved in it, the Musketeers looked behind her without saying anything, Aramis fixed a pair of scissors, she saw against the light, I still had something stuck between the blades, Aramis take it with your fingers, saw with horror fell a long tufts of hair, dry voice said he was, would quickly leave the cell, Dartagnan the volume of the hand and place the bag on the steps Porthos put his hand on the back and said words of encouragement, she smiled, the Porthos hug, stroke her head and kissed her forehead, then escorted to the exit, Athos was left behind in the shadows watching the scene at a time when Aramis turned to see him, but what he saw broke his heart, gave him the sword Athos violently, Aramis felt the tears of disappointment filled her face, she became deeply offended, like Athos could try to regain his self control, I cover face and try to soothe a savage attack of jealousy.

Aramis had to take much courage not to faint, was repeated several times that he was a king's musketeer, only then faced their fears, try not noticed, she could not easily recognize the man, but I doubt saw his hands, only to see the instruments and find the hair stuck was certain, but it also brought memories of when it happened, when she recalled, she felt suffocated had to leave the cell rapidly, aided by Dartagnan and comforted by Porthos calm, but maybe the kiss of Porthos was the trigger, this was the jealousy of Athos, which is foolish in their negative feelings, Aramis seek your support on several occasions but it never came, but the last time I seek your support, the seriously injured, Aramis to see that he turned his back, he again felt his repudiation, rejection, but this was the last thing she hate him, I hope it never became something that finally came disillusionment, broken-hearted, Athos the offense, now knew he could not expect anything from him, rather than contempt, but unlike that Athos was jealous of complicity that existed between Aramis and Porthos, being foolish, Athos stay out of that intimacy, had a fit of jealousy, had to control himself, he did not want to see, but did not realize what he did for Aramis, of how difficult it will accept that you want to Aramis, but now it not to be hurt, you should ignore I hope the next chapter soon, thanks for sharing ^ _____ ^.

Recensore Junior
05/06/12, ore 23:08
Cap. 13:

Intanto... grazie per aver aggiornato così presto, sei davvero brava anche in questo. Devo dire che mi hai sorpresa ancora una volta, lasciandomi soddisfatta della prima lettura.
Aramis ovviamente rabbrividisce, ma il coraggio del moschettiere che era stato prende il dominio di lei, così da farle avere la forza di affrontare quel luogo, quelle terribili mura, quell'uomo, le sue tenaglie, le sue forbici, i lunghi capelli ormai spazzati via. La ragazza è sostenuta moralmente dal buon Porthos, ritrova dopo un mese l'amico D'Artagnan, ha il paterno calore del capitano De Treville. Ma l'unico conforto che lei davvero vorrebbe non arriva. Athos non la degna di un saluto, forse neanche di uno sguardo, ce l'ha ancora con lei perchè si sente rifiutato? Non capisco il suo comportamento. Di certo è davvero combattuto, adesso mi sa che quello che prova sia talmente diverso dai primi tempi della scoperta che neanche lui si capacita di cosa sia. Di certo è innamorato perso, altrimenti il "feroce attacco di gelosia" non l'avrebbe preso così d'assalto. Io credo che Athos stia cominciando a fare chiarezza nel suo cuore, credo che il mese fuori e la ricerca della donna che gli ha spezzato il cuore e che ha ridotto in uno stato pietoso la sua compagna, la donna che adesso lui ama, l'abbia aiutato a dipanare i suoi dubbi e la sua rabbia. Adesso ravvedo in lui solamente la delusione, la gelosia, l'orgoglio ferito, il pentimento di non essere stato lui al posto di Porthos. Non vedo più (spero di non essere in errore) la delusione profonda della menzogna perpetuata per anni da Aramis e dal capitano, vedo solo gelosia, rabbia, orgoglio. La rabbia cmq è per sé stesso. Sbaglio?
Un altro colpo da maestro! Spero di poter leggere presto il seguito!

Recensore Junior
05/06/12, ore 20:45
Cap. 13:

la storia si fa sempre più interessante....pian piano si definiscono i personaggi e i loro ruoli...mi incuriosisce molto la "relazione"(assolutamente amichevole...per ora mi sembra!^^)tra porthos a aramis...e la conseguente,celatissima,gelosia di nostro buon gigante è di una tenerezza infinita con la ragazza....

Recensore Veterano
05/06/12, ore 20:37
Cap. 13:

Mi sembrava di essere al posto di Aramis mentre scendeva le scale...hai fatto un ottimo racconto, la tensione era palpabile così come il timore di lei e la tenerezza di D'Artagnan e Porthos.

Ma la cosa migliore l'hai lasciata alla fine: Athos che combatte con se stesso per quello che prova realmente ma che deve cercare di non mostrare. Perchè?
Perchè è un testone cocciuto!


Recensore Veterano
05/06/12, ore 11:59

Hello! I hope this good! ^ ______ ^, A very emotional episode, but I'm fearing complications, Porthos wants to feel better Aramis goes every day with a new surprise for her, as she knows it does not, the first time he brought a drink that was fashion, gave him chocolate, with the help of Dorottie since then she takes every day, the count was that made her happy, it felt strange Aramis Porthos the Musketeer his friend feared, was now his nurse, he was wrong, I knew that he had other things to do, but he was all day with her, once Aramis did not want him, why not allow him to draw, but felt calm with him, Aramis got up, he gradually recovered no longer bandaged his feet, so do I send Dorottie comfortable shoes, Porthos came one day, but the maid said she was waiting in the garden, Aramis came not long ago, but could not stop and Porthos, with difficult under the stairs and out into the garden, where his friend was waiting, she could smell the scent of the garden and the stable, Porthos the greeting and said he had a surprise for her, helped her get to the stables, where with joy saw a beautiful gray mare, she gave Porthos wanted a ride as before, but as Aramis was happy, sad quickly, she had the strength to stay, she would deny but the giant got up and went to horse, she had to ride as a woman and was used as a man, not to repress Aramis out galloping at full speed, and I look Portos wonder how she felt, she smiled said he was very happy, thoughtful saw the giant and asked, Aramis was told how his life as a child, as Francois met, they talked and laughed as before, but felt more sincere Aramis, spoke of his love, Porthos apologize for talking about things that were not for a lady. Aramis laughed, it was not his fault, Porthos said he had met a beautiful young woman, she described the place and Aramis knew who he was, she told how she met Charmine and it was a good friend to her, asked Porthos permission to date her, Aramis said that if you claim why they are never present, she said she knew them well, did not want to play with her, he gave his word of being a gentleman, when he helped her lower back Aramis Porthos embrace, she felt safe and happy with him, he felt better than Athos, was different, Aramis thanked him for the day but wanted to give something better, he said he would do a portrait of him, but Porthos was decided as I was to pose, Aramis annoying showed him the picture he drew of Athos, asked if he wanted something, he was surprised by the resemblance, I ask him if he had posed, shyly said no Aramis, Porthos examine the entire drawing until he found the inscription "Dido and Aeneas," the wonder what it meant but she did not answer change the subject and began to draw, then a soldier came in, handed him a document to Porthos, said that by order of Captain Aramis had to go to Chantelet, slowly recovers Aramis, Porthos cheer about every day, but Aramis knows he has to deal with his life, should not be with her all day, Porthos did everything possible to make out, gave him a little of what most wanted, horse riding and feel free, but what happens, do not tell me that Aramis is feeling more than friendship for Porthos, compare the degree of Athos, the menso already begun to lose, I think that a review of Porthos Athos will cause problems if you said to the giant portrait of Athos and Aramis made separate mention of the title of the drawing, Athos will suspect something, he must know the history, knows that is not Well, Aramis will be terrified of going to jail?, bad memories are coming back, but support will help Porthos, she has to go because Dartagnan Athos and returned with one of his executioners?, you must identify ?, as you will feel to see it?, Athos will be jealous to see how she clings to Porthos?, I hope the next chapter soon, thanks for sharing ^ ____ ^.

Recensore Junior
04/06/12, ore 19:14

ricordi le vecchie trasmissioni televisive dove gli applausi si misuravano con l'applausometro per valutare l'apprezzamento su un artista?
beh! se ce ne fosse uno nella mia stanza sarebbe andato in tilt!
e bravo anche Porthos...come amo lui il mio compagno se lo sogna! però non diciamoglielo.. in fondo sono simili ( in ogni punto di vista..tranne che il gigante rompe meno i maroni...)
che carino che è quell'omone che si imbarazza per le "caste" confidenze di Aramis, perchè imbarazzato lo era forte!
però un pò gli sta bene, dopo tutto quello che le avrà descritto negli anni.. ed ora si è pure trovato un nuovo hobby! trovare qualcuno in grado di spiegargli chi erano Didone ed Enea per lui sarà difficile se conosce solo amiche che lavorano nei bordelli.
come sempre la tensione sale a mille nel finale!
hai deciso di farmi venire un'infarto prima dei trenta?!
ho rischiato un colpo quando hai nominato il carcere. non ho capito una cosa.. ma è Porthos che ce la porta?
aspetto con ansia il seguito con buona pace per il mio cuore

Recensore Junior
04/06/12, ore 12:26

OMG! Ok, me lo rileggerò come al solito altre due volte.
Quante cose hai scritto! E questa volta, brava, nessun errore di sintassi né di ortografia.
Porthos, non potevi trovare compagnia migliore per lei, le fa da padre, da fratello, da amico, la sostiene, la aiuta, le fa ritrovare il sorriso, cerca di essere sempre nuovo ai suoi occhi, facendola spensierare come forse mai la ragazza è stata da quando ha intrapreso la vita da moschettiere. Lui vuole fare il gradasso spesso, ma ha un cuore senza pari. E' il migliore amico che tutte le donne vorrebbero avere. E poi, si imbarazza pure quando lei gli confida che in effetti con François non è che si guardassero e basta... Era stata condannata per aver amato, per lei l'amore o è totale o niente. In effetti, ora capisco di più Aramis e i suoi sentimenti, e il motivo del suo rifiuto ad Athos. Lo comprendo meglio dalle tue parole, da cui si evince che lei non vuole un amore a metà, non vuole compassione, non vuole semplicemente perdono. Lei è così, e come ogni donna, vorrebbe essere amata per ciò che è, non per ciò che mostra di essere, è autentica come solo una donna innamorata sa essere.
Charméne, hai fatto bene ad introdurla, non so come tu voglia utilizzare questo personaggio, ma le soluzioni sono molteplici. Questa sa che lei è una donna?
E il quadro, Porthos forse ancora non sospetta minimamente del legame che lega Aramis al moro, sa delle loro affinità elettive, ma ingenuamente (quello davvero ingenuo è lui, non Aramis, che si presenta qui come una donna davvero vissuta e di mondo, capace di lottare per amore, ma anche di piegarsi al senso del dovere rischiando la vita, sa com'è la vita, abiura la condizione delle donne di quel tempo e prevale sempre in lei il senso di giustizia profonda) non vede al di là. Magari con il dipinto comincerà a farsi delle domande, è chiaro che lei voglia fargli sapere, introduce la cosa poco a poco, avrebbe potuto fargli vedere qualunque altro ritratto (sicuramente li avrà fatti). Invece no, proprio quello del suo amore impossibile (per il momento).
Certo è che mi hai sorpresa con questo colpo di scena finale, cosa vorrà mai il capitano? E perchè proprio allo Chatelet? Il terrore si dipinge sicuramente negli occhi di Aramis per come la vedo io. Penso sia ancora presto, sia ancora impreparata. Ma sarà successo qualcosa di grosso, non si hanno notizie dei due in missione?
Ps: ma quanto è bravo lui? Lei si sta riprendendo alla grande, spero che le unghie stiano cominciando a crescerle per come si deve e il suo aspetto a farsi più dolce e salubre.
I capelli a crescerle (non li hai descritti qui, sono curiosa di sapere come li abbia adesso, magari solo di quasi un paio di cm più lunghi).
Te l'ho già detto che questa storia mi piace tantissimo???
Quando aggiorni adesso?

Recensore Veterano
04/06/12, ore 11:30

Oh, sì! Mi piace molto questa storia!
I tuoi dialoghi sono "illuminanti" (ai fini della storia), e le tue descrizioni così puntuali e... "poetiche" (come termine è un po' infelice, ma attualmente non mi viene di meglio..)
Tra le righe mi è parso di capire che la nostra Aramis e François, insomma non erano poi così casti ... (ah, François, perchè sei morto????)
Certo che 'sta povera ragazza non ha proprio fortuna..., aveva giusto cominciato a sentirsi meglio, quando di nuovo qualcuno le ha tirato un tiro mancino...
E' stata forse quella tale Charmeene?

Recensore Veterano
31/05/12, ore 04:56
Cap. 11:

Hello! here we are! ^ ____ ^, A chapter very confusing, do not really think about, but I congratulate you is a beautiful chapter, you know move and show the emotions of the characters, Aramis woke up hours after the visit of Porthos, Dartagnan and Constance, she recalled playing cards, talked, at one point looked sadly at Constance, when she had her beautiful blond hair, was his pride, now there was nothing left, she whispered to him, he told the queen wanted Aramis enlarge Private wonder Aramis Athos, Porthos and Dartagnan tried to lie, but Aramis knew the truth, could not deceive her, besides the man's behavior left no doubt of his contempt, she tried not to give importance at a time that was left Dartagnan only with Aramis, apologized for the behavior of Athos, she said it did not matter that it expected this result, the young man looked into his eyes, but Aramis I look pushy, wanted to know how is it, Dartagnan said no talks it, always quiet and drinking, after the young man asked her, as she was, said Aramis, who is always thinking of him, the young man worry, she went on to say that I needed, Dartagnan said if I wanted to talk to Athos, she said he could not bear his accusing gaze also wanted him to be alone, because he wanted to see her, Aramis told him that he knew she loved him, Dartagnan was surprised and asked how?, she said that was when the release of the flames, thought it was his last chance, the young man smiled and said it would change everything, Aramis shook his head, too many reasons preventing their relationship, they were neither friends, as might be something else, heard the return of their other friends, Dartagnan the look in his eyes and walked away, Aramis told him if he could write, they had dinner and retired, Aramis was enlisted to sleep, but she resumed her drawings that night, the day after Porthos was with her all the day, at night when she was alone, the maiden name on her door and said he wanted to see the musketeer Athos, Aramis froze, stuttering response to the entry, do not know what to think, she looked in the mirror but what he saw embarrassed, not wanting to see her in that condition but could do nothing, just comfortable in his shawl, Athos entered as a gentleman, the greeting with a neutral tone, she observed was just as I remembered, so manly, his bearing proudly replied Aramis greeting, with his head down and weak, she was indignant at his eyes, helpless in his opinion, he knew that was Athos the musketeer Aramis see that woman in misleading, in that body damaged but not was nothing, Athos said he went to leave, go out with Dartagnan in the morning, she said she knew, I try to look into his eyes, but gave him a chill, he promised to return Athos, Aramis is strange for the declaration, but it Athos always knew he was risking a lot in each mission, I knew I could lose it, looked down, trying not to mourn, Athos realized, when I look at him with short hair, she thought she saw the young apprentice, she felt his gaze curious, did not want her hurt, she said she was still someone and had a home to go when you feel good, did not want to burden anyone could stand on its own, Athos could not believe my ears, these words and with a weak voice, could not believe that was his friend, the proud musketeer Aramis, wanted revenge on those who had been hurt, he was surprised by the need of wanting to hug her, but his heart jump when I look so fragile he promised he would return again, no idea why he said it, I look into the eyes, trying to communicate without words as before, but could not Aramis elusive gaze, did not understand, look at her tenderly, did not know that will drive that night to go to it, Athos began to reflect, but did not know how he was getting close to Aramis, she was come to Athos, Aramis not mistaken he approached to kiss her, so close to her face, she closed eyes, always dreamed of this moment, but just then she told Athos, who did not, Aramis away from him, clung to her shawl to give himself courage, he said he was too much for kissing a woman it, Aramis always dreamed of being kissed by Athos, but when was the musketeer Aramis beautiful, proud and brave, now she was nothing, it was not worth the kiss her, he never would have kissed this woman treacherous, for I wanted to give a kiss?, Aramis did not understand his behavior, first not to see it, behaves cold, indifferent and distant to her, I needed Aramis, Athos, but that was not, she did not want his pity, he preferred his contempt for he understood, but this strange affection false, do not understand, she could not bear to lose him, Athos did not understand why it stopped, but refrained from making a hurtful comment to what he said it was hurt by his rejection, rejected by this woman Athos , he did not understand why he went to see her, he had struggled with himself to go in, fought his pride wounded and his desire to see her, did not want to ignore their emotions, he lost the fight, turned from Aramis and recalled the captain's words, understood why they were only asked to see her, if her feelings were real friendly, he could not deceive Aramis, she knew he was lying, he understood that the promise was not for her if not for him, he wanted convince himself again, Aramis looked at him carefully, I was scared of him, did not understand his behavior, before she felt calm and safe with him, but now, I just wanted to leave, did not feel comfortable presence, with force grabbed her shawl, Athos hurt his pride, he said he was retiring, did not expect that kind of result, disappointed and made a bow out quietly

You're thinking about Athos, waiting to throw himself down at his feet, begging for a gesture, if you declare it was because he thought he would die, he did not want to give, his pride still stronger than his love for her, now to his pride was hurt, I wanted to try to kiss her, which would melt with love for him?, Athos wanted to know if the kiss, I could understand her feelings for Aramis, whether to kiss her grief and bitterness disappear?, Aramis does not understand the behavior Athos, just know it's not the same, you know that lying on his emotions, he did not want to kiss her, he never would, he despises also was not the kiss with which she dreamed so many times, it was a kiss of love, Aramis not feel worthy of that look, Athos only wants to silence his conscience, but now she is rejected, Athos will not stop thinking about Aramis, as she dared to reject it, no lady had told him no, the meeting was not as he expected, he retired humiliated and disappointed, more confused than before, simply do not understand why Athos was so submissive to her, I think I hurt but the heart of Aramis, I hope to update soon, thanks for sharing ^ ____ ^.

Recensore Junior
30/05/12, ore 19:11
Cap. 11:

sì...certo che in quanto complicazioni(mi riferisco al rapporto che si è palesemente creato tra athos e aramis),qui ce ne sono a bizzeffe!!!!
essere semplici,no?troppo complicato?
e che diamine...1+1=2 ....mica è difficile...lui ama lei,lei ama lui..più semplice di così?
comunque mi fa sempre una grande fatica immaginare questa aramis così confido che farai cambiare le cose molto presto! lo si deduce dai capitoli che sta rinascendo!
davvero brava...sta storia mi intriga sempre di più!^^
alla prossima!

Recensore Junior
30/05/12, ore 16:41
Cap. 11:

me lo sentivo fin nelle viscere che quel porcellino di Athos alla fine sarebbe andato da Aramis e che poi ci avrebbe provato, allungando le manine su di lei... della serie sono un uomo con una marea di seghe mentali che si fa tutti i suoi bravi propositi da uomo tutto d'un pezzo ma che però, immancabilmente, poi vanno a farsi benedire appena esce di casa!
Brava Aramis che gli ha dato il due di picche!
mi piace tanto questo capitolo.
Athos è troppo contorto!
che bello! che si aspettava... che appena avesse schioccato le dita Aramis gli si sarebbe gettata tra le braccia? e no bellino! adesso vai a farti una bella scampagnata ad ammazzare tua moglie e poi quando torni ne ripaliamo...con calma.

bravissima come sempre!

Recensore Junior
30/05/12, ore 14:04
Cap. 11:

A... a... assurdo! No, credimi, di tutto avrei potuto immaginare, ma mai un incontro così. Veramente avevo il dubbio che lui non ci andasse affatto da lei. Invece è chiaro e lampante che la ama, è chiaro anche a lui, non capisco cosa volesse dimostrare con quel bacio. E, lasciamelo dire, finalmente, Aramis solo per un attimo ritorna ad essere quella che era. La persona combattiva e risoluta che era da moschettiere. Anche se gli dice di non baciarla perchè si sente brutta. Non capisco neanche lei, credimi. E' tutto così confuso, contorto, lui che le fa la promessa di tornare. Ma non le rivela il perchè di quella promessa. Già, perchè? Me lo puoi spiegare tu? Io sono confusa più che mai, ho bisogno di rileggere con calma questo capitolo, come ho fatto più o meno con tutti gli altri, poi farò una recensione più accurata e ti rivolgerò altre domande. Purtroppo in questo momento ho davvero poco tempo, ma non volevo rischiare di non scrivere niente, le prime sensazioni sono molto importanti. Non mi deludi mai, sei davvero bravissima.

Recensore Veterano
30/05/12, ore 13:03
Cap. 11:

questi due ultimi capitoli sono bellissimi brava  ...povera aramis quanto soffre

Recensore Veterano
29/05/12, ore 03:02

Hola! espero este bien? ^______^, finalmente sabemos cómo se siente nuestro Athos, pero creo que todos lo sabíamos, esa noche después del interrogatorio de Aramis, Athos se fue a su casa, donde cree el que está a salvo de todo, menos de su propio dolor, de sus recuerdos, cada recuerdo o pensamiento que tiene le desagrada, porque siempre esta Aramis presente, pero esta vez el lo recuerda de otra forma, cuando lo recuerda como hombre, trata de pensar en la reacción de la mujer, pensó en los motivos que lo llevo a la mentira, pero el solo piensa que Aramis nunca existió, no sabe nada de él, perdió a su mejor amigo por una mujer, una bruja, mentirosa, traidora, el se sentía engañado, usado, recordó la primera vez que lo traiciono, cuando acepto el cargo de capitán, el lo había perdonado, porque era un hombre, pero fue una mujer otra vez, el se refugió en la bebida, Athos pensó que el traidor tuvo el castigo justo a su pecado por años, pero él quería callar el dolor de saber herido a la persona que más quería y no quería admitir, pero se sintió peor cuando Aramis le confesó que lo amaba, ella que lo había engañado, ella que hizo todo para vengar a su amor, ahora lo amaba?, esto le molestaba, ella lo amaba, pero para él era más fácil odiarla, siguió bebiendo, desde esa confesión trato de buscar las obscuras intenciones de la bruja, que quería de el, cada vez que la vio el era distante y frio, para no cae en su trampa, la primera vez que volvió a ver, casi se cae su armadura, por eso permaneció en las sombras, para no ceder se repitió que era un traidor y que tenia lo que se merecía, se lo gano, Athos ya borracho siguió su condena, imaginando al mosquetero Aramis, pero un pensamiento le dolió, Milady había hecho daño a Aramis, ella que había luchado contra esa mujer, cayó en sus manos, Milady de vio se quemada, no Aramis, pensó en lo que fue el mosquetero Aramis, ahora no era nada, el se pregunto si Aramis se curaría, pero de inmediato volvió a pensar en la bruja, Athos comenzó a cuestionar a Aramis, que quería de el, el amor entre ellos era imposible, el no quería amar, no quería volver a ser herido, traicionado por una mujer, tiene miedo de amar, era más fácil negarlo, odiarla, esa mujer le robo a su amigo, su hermano, Aramis tenía lo que se merecía, el solo iba por Milady como una nueva mision, venganza por su parte, pero no por Aramis, el odia a Aramis, el recogió el chal solo para no ver sus heridas, el solo quiere hacerle daño, el no la va a perdonar, no quiere ir a verla, porque no tiene compasión para ella, quiere que Aramis pague por todo el daño, por desgracia Aramis sabe los sentimientos de Athos, ella cree que se merece toda esa tortura, por el daño causado a su amigo, Aramis sabe que Athos la odia, ella mejor que nadie lo conoce, Aramis confesó que lo amaba, pero lo dijo porque pensó que iba a morir, ahora siente vergüenza por la confesión, sabe que eso molesto a Athos, el ahoga sus penas en la botella, como se sentirá cuando este sobrio, la realidad le va a molestar, Aramis escondió un dibujo cuando ellos llegaron, es un dibujo en rojo, tal vez dibujo una hoguera (fuego), o dibujo una escena sangrienta, espero pronto el siguiente capítulo, gracias por compartir ^_____^.

Recensore Junior
28/05/12, ore 23:25

Ciao! Bentornata, non ci hai fatto attendere molto.
Una prima lettura veloce, me lo sono divorata, come Athos fa con il vino. E' abbastanza chiaro che lui la ama, non riesce a togliersela dalla mente, c'è sempre lei nei suoi pensieri, ma si sente ingannato e non vuole perdonarla. Pensa di essere stato una pedina nel gioco ben più grande di lui che ha manovrato Aramis. Invece no, lui non capisce, o forse sì ma non vuole ammetterlo, che in realtà lei si è innamorata poco a poco di lui, non l'ha di certo manovrato e non vuole altro da lui. No, lei anche se ama è capace di starsene in disparte, spero solo che ricominci a lottare per la sua vita, ma ho forti dubbi che non cercherà di compiere una brutta azione a sé stessa. Lui la ama, è chiaro, lampante, anche a lui, ma lotta come un gladiatore dentro di sé. Non vuole essere di nuovo preso in giro, non vuole soffrire, sa benissimo che lei non è come Anne, lui la conosce, lui sa benissimo chi è Aramis. L'unica bugia è stata in ciò che si celava dentro i suoi pantaloni, ma non ha mentito su chi è, su quello che lei vuole, sui sentimenti che prova. Glieli ha rivelati e non tornerà indietro. Lui si sente scrutato, lui si sente inerme. Sa che standole vicino le potrebbe fare del male per il rancore profondo che prova, ma ha paura di essere travolto dal suo amore. Perchè lui è attratto da lei, lo è sempre stato. Lui la ama e ancora non lo sa. Spero lo scoprirà presto, mi sa che i capitoli saranno davvero tanti.
Passiamo a te. Dire che mi hai semplicemente travolta con la tua bravura è poco. Hai reso la complessità di un Athos in lotta con sé stesso, con sentimenti contrastanti, ma nel quale per il momento prevale la rabbia verso quella che reputa una traditrice. Direi che sei stata bravissima. No, scherzo. Di più!
Qualche anticipazione? Magari anche solo per sapere quanto posterai di nuovo...