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L'orrendo foco
di GaiaTon

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Recensore Junior
12/06/12, ore 13:09

Wow! Capitolo inaspettato... e chi ci pensava più all'incontro con la regina? Adesso diventa tutto più complicato: Aramis si sta riprendendo, la Regina le ha dato la possibilità di essere libera donandole anche un blasone, lei sicuramente non vorrà più pesare su Madame Montsorot e vorrà stare lontano anche da chi ama ma le ha fatto tanto male. Per Athos si annunciano tempi molto duri. Chissà se la rivedrà, se le saprà davvero aprire il suo cuore... e se lei riuscirà a perdonarlo.

Recensore Veterano
09/06/12, ore 03:53

Hello! here we are! ^ ____ ^ Thanks for updating so fast, I do not know whether to be happy or doubt their intentions, the man seems bipolar, a moment will go down the stars and the other gives the stars in the heart, and hoped this conversation, only Gascon that turned out to be more mature than his master, frankly I expected a few bumps, but the man is so drunk he did not make sense, cursed Athos, Aramis insult to everything we wanted, Dartagnan was contained, was patient, gave him slap white collar, a liar when he said Aramis, to conceal his identity, Athos was upset, but only spoke the wounded man, the Gascon Aramis told him he lied to protect them, she knew that someday this would happen, would not entangle them in a lie but he did not understand reasons, had struck when compared to Aramis Milady, I wanted all the hate for Milady, I download at Aramis, the Gascon did see, was calm, but was upset, I call for having bewitched witch , he was in love with her, stole her heart Aramis, Dartagnan told him that the first robbery the heart of Aramis, the thief was he, Athos was upset about the young man knew that, again was jealous, they always had a very close, but he did it to one side, the Gascon told him that, not let her open her heart, and when he wanted to do, everything collapsed, Athos has a lot to think now, it seems that calmed their hatred, has admitted that he loves her and wants to conquer, but not too late, we must see the consequences of that discussion, it has been three weeks, which is what they will find upon his return, the more will also later for Athos would not be in the palace of Montsorot, who knows Athos there?, on the stroke Dartagnan I hear, I think Athos drunk and in a fit of anger, threw a chair, or found himself fighting against an enemy.

Three weeks after his discussion with Aramis, Athos and Dartagnan followed the trail of another of the conspirators against Aramis, but the days of rain that had not helped them, they took refuge in an inn, where he drank until late, the weary young would retire, but saw mostly seemed to suffer the effects that the abuse of wine, recalled a similar situation years ago, the Gascon asked if he would talk about hanging, Athos said that at least not from the past but provide for the future, Dartagnan could not stop thinking about his friends out loud, it was always cheerful Porthos and Aramis to laugh at his jokes, she thought as she would, Athos said that Porthos pretended indifference to his side would be fun, the continued drinking, the Gascon just looked at him, finally asked about Aramis, Athos said he never existed, that was a lie with a woman named Renee, that he never submitted to it, nor knew the Gascon wonder if there was deference between Renee and Aramis, Athos had said much, Aramis was his friend, a man but a man who never existed, but was a woman, he did not know, that no one present, did not know who Renee, the continued taking, Dartagnan told him he was his friend for six years, who risked his life for him, on several occasions saved his life, shared everything, and could say that about her, was not a ghost, Athos said it was a phantom created by a witch, the Gascon then asked who was in that mission, he said it was a soldier following orders, not fight with his past, he said Aramis Gascon did the same, under a name false, this annoying Athos, who replied that he did not hide under the uniform bands, the young wonder if that was important, Athos at the time the young man said something that I take as a comparison with Milady, Athos told him, he responded it was women, Dartagnan told him he was crazy, the young man understood what he said, that Aramis had his just punishment for his lie, she asked for it, Athos said he was haunted by the witch, the young man felt he was very drunk and did not know what he said, wanted to leave before discussing, but Athos did not leave him and poured more wine, Dartagnan said Aramis insulted not for him, she was very dear, as Porthos and he said the Moor got what he deserved for lying, the Gascon wonder what all he suffered at the hands of intriguing, he deserved it?, who was he to condemn?, the Gascon asked what she thought she did it on purpose for trick?, told Dartagnan she said nothing to protect them, not to lie if questioned, questioned the young man, who was believed, a friend, he was a man betrayed, outraged the young man continued, said she already paid what he did , payment by the ghosts of Athos, warned him not compare to a brave, determined, with a cruel witch as Milady, he laughed Athos was his moral, but s mock saying he forgave himself and forgave her, the young man replied in the same tone, that was good and happy for him, but changed his attitude Athos, understands Dartagnan asks if Aramis has rejected?, Athos says upset is cured of beautiful blonde women, but this statement alone confirms, the young man said that if he was well to be despised, for she loved, said he was afraid to love, to one day wake up and see what he lost, Athos looked at him with hatred, Gascon went on to say that Aramis had to pay dearly for stealing his heart, Athos arose with a smile, took his things and said not to fear if she stole his heart, he would do the same to her, the Gascon to hear this said, it was hers Aramis loved him, to hear that Athos was upset, he knew, she said, was clear was his confidant, Gascon said that if he allowed her to open her heart, she would tell, he just needed to trust she, the two watched in silence, Athos shook his head, could not believe it was so simple, he took another glass of wine, looked at Athos Dartagnan calmer, he gave her a smile, Athos said he needed to be alone, Gascon went to sleep, but the night he was awakened by a noise, went back to sleep when I hear nothing else, I hope to remain so fast in the update, you have to see the damage caused by Athos, thanks for sharing ^ ____ ^ .

Recensore Junior
08/06/12, ore 22:44

Ho letto la prima parte: Athos non sa chi è Renée, e Aramis è un'invenzione bugiarda. Sai, lo capisco. Essere ingannati così non è piacevole. E' come davvero essere traditi. Sai, noi ci mettiamo sempre dalla parte di Aramis, ed è normale, visto che la conosciamo bene e conosciamo le sue pene. Ma abbiamo mai provato a capire ciò che sente lui? Essere ingannato così da una persona incredibilmente speculare a lui. Credeva fosse un amico fidato, invece si è ritrovato con una donna. Però c'è da dire a discolpa di Aramis che cmq in quei tempi tutti avevano dei segreti come questi, lo stesso Athos ha ingannato i suoi amici, non dicendo loro chi sia in realtà e perchè abbia tutto questo odio. L'ha detto a D'Artagnan, ma è sempre più facile confidarsi con chi si conosce da poco. Mentre è davvero difficile farlo con qualcuno con cui stabilisci un rapporto che potrebbe essere considerato falso, ma in realtà costruisci con quella persona il tuo mondo, il vostro mondo. E se si sta insieme, come amici, come amanti, come fidanzati, un rapporto così non deve essere macchiato dalla crudeltà della realtà di vi è dentro. Athos le ha mentito, per il passato, perchè non le ha mai rivelato cosa celasse il suo passato, a tratti torbido. L'ha fatto per non sporcare questo rapporto puro e unico. Aramis ugualmente, ma lei avrebbe voluto, si è dovuta nascondere solo per non mettere in pericolo nessuno. Quando si è arruolata non pensava affatto di poter stringere legami così profondi, ma voleva in realtà solo perseguire la sua vendetta. E si sente davvero come una traditrice.
Passiamo alla seconda parte. Athos crede che lei abbia meritato tutto quello che le è accaduto, le torture, la violazione del suo corpo. Vede in lei il fantasma di Milady, la donna che più ha amato ma che più l'ha derubato. Del suo amore, della sua fiducia, della sua bontà, della sua compassione. Non ha più niente per colpa di lei, e cerca cmq di andare a placare queste mancanze compiendo la missione. E' parecchio confuso, non si rende conto di ciò che sta dicendo, ha perso il dominio di sé stesso, anche se trasuda una maschera di freddezza, ha la mente totalmente soggiogata dall'ira e dalla repulsione verso la donna che ha sposato.
Terza parte. D'Artagnan gli dice finalmente come stanno le cose, gli dice che lui ha il cuore di Aramis e gli fa capire che ne è responsabile. Il tuo D'Artagnan è molto maturo ed intelligente, non il ragazzino che abbiamo conosciuto. Guarda le cose dall'esterno, conoscendo i sentimenti dei suoi amici. Lui guarda più in là di loro due, vorrebbe cercare di far ragionare l'amico che tanto stima, ma di cui non capisce l'ostinato cinismo. E' stato bravo.
Athos sembra rinsavire... sarà così oppure avrà altre ricadute? Si è davvero pentito oppure era pura teatralità, oppure non ne è ancora del tutto convinto? E ha ben meditato le parole del giovane compagno? Spero di conoscere al più presto le risposte, chissà cosa ha provocato quel rumore. Sono curiosa ed in attesa.
Ps: avevo già letto in uno scorcio di pausa pranzo il capitolo dal cell, ma mi sono riservata di leggerlo con più calma stasera.
A presto!

Recensore Veterano
08/06/12, ore 16:27

grazie per questo capitolo sembra che il giovane guascone sia e riuscito a chiarire finalmente cosa c è nel cuore di athos.... almeno spero ....

Recensore Veterano
08/06/12, ore 16:16

altro che camomilla vuole un sonnifero grrrrrrrr ... athos e impazzito povera aramis la sta uccidendo ....

Recensore Junior
08/06/12, ore 15:30

e mi sa che te ce ne vorranno mille di capitoli brevi per farci ripigliare....ahahahahaha!
bene,bene..l'importante è tu abbia capito cos'abbiamo passato!^^
comunque,dai,il nostro conte preferito si sta avviando,senza neppure saperlo( e come sempre,è l'unico in tal senso!^^),dritto dritto tra le braccia di aramis!!!!evvai!!!!

Recensore Junior
08/06/12, ore 15:17

il Darty è più riflessivo di quanto pensassi...e bravo il nostro guascone che dà una bella stoccata ad Athos!
ci voleva questa sbronza per farlo riflettere.
sì però se ogni volta deve bere per avere un barlume di chiarezza nel suo cuore... la domanda sorge spontanea...
basteranno tutte le cantine del regno di Francia a fargli aprire definitivamente gli occhi e cancellare per sempre l'arpia?
una domanda ma, il rumore a fine capitolo nella stanza di D'Artagnan è percaso il moro " cal burla giò? "( che cade)

Recensore Veterano
08/06/12, ore 13:25

Mi piace come hai modificato questo capitolo: D'Artagnan finalmente fa valere la sua saggezza su Athos che comunque non ne esce come un idiota, ma come un uomo troppo attaccato all'orgoglio che per la prima volta si lascia andare e si ritrova confuso. Ma la via per la "guarigione" è finalmente iniziata, e ora la strada verso Aramis è in discesa :)

Brava, ci voleva proprio questo capitolo chiarificatore per noi e per Athos!

Recensore Veterano
08/06/12, ore 10:44

Hello! how are you? ^ ____ ^, For a nervous wreck, nothing beats a linden tea, but I like the lemon, a painful chapter, Porthos not hear reasons, wanted to celebrate like old times, went to the pub for food, Athos went home to change, Dartagnan was for Constance and Jean, was bad Aramis, Porthos left her sleeping in her room but she was awakened when the door opened, the entrance was Athos, he entered, sat in the bed beside her, staring at her, Athos wonder if he felt better, with a sweet tone that baffled Aramis, she asked if it was difficult to arrest, Athos said no, but they needed to talk, they looked, Aramis recognize him, Aramis apologized for causing trouble and risk them, he felt his discomfort, but I wanted to be with her to calm her, as he did Porthos, Athos I speak softly, but Aramis felt strange to her behavior, she confessed that no regret some things, Aramis was nervous about meeting his executioner, as well as the strange attitude of Athos, said she was still a very strict judge, Aramis was surprised to hear a compliment from him, Athos began to be to before her, but Aramis knew that was not his friend, Athos wanted to be near her, comfort her, Aramis did not understand was happening, he was gentle and affectionate, she wanted to know why, I knew I hated her, I wanted revenge for the lies, deception to make you pay for when she seek your support if he gave her hatred and contempt, was tender now?, took Athos Aramis gloved hands and began to kiss, to touch gently, she I could not think, Athos saw her shaking with fear, gently began to remove the gloves, she refused, the musketeer's calm and steady, I wanted to show your love kissing each finger hurt, she was allowed to kiss but wasstrange, I felt that he was mocked of what remained of it, as after all the contempt he felt for him, wanted to believe that he loved her, Aramis called him repeatedly to stop, Athos wonder, because it was rejected, if she told him she loved him, she replied that he thought he would die and it was his last wish, the musketeer did not understand, said she is alive and he knew that I wanted, but Aramis did not feel worthy of him, wanted to die for having Porthos lied and that he wanted to live, had accepted and forgiven, she was not comfortable with this Athos, she asked to be friends again, I wanted what they had, Athos was upset, I ask him if he wanted to pretend that nothing happened, the claim that his confession of love was a lie, Athos began cracking was furious, insulting, I was a liar, manipulative, she was an expert in deceiving, Aramis asked to stop, but he followed, then told him that their friendship was a lie , that she was lying, then Aramis, also told the lies, wants to show a false love that he does not feel, but compared his contempt was real, she wanted to tender man he met earlier, Athos claim, she says she loves him when he shows her love complain, do not understand, she says it's easy, you want to show love, when you really despise, the single is with her because he feels guilt, Athos was upset and I said, Aramis said he saw in his eyes, they do not lie, she recalled that when he was in his cell only think of those sweet eyes, his friend made him want to live, but now looks at them and just wants die, she said she feels cold, one is with her on his honor, but the only thing is genuine in his hatred, he said he deserved everything he has won it, Athos said he should think about what he did, it never should be a musketeer, Aramis never should have existed, those words were worse than any torture he suffered at that time did not hold Athos said everything I felt, that the despised, had what he deserved. witch said, Aramis yell, which recognized his jailer but I miss one and that was it, I did not know what he said, but continued Athos, Aramis wanted to defend himself but he knew he was right, he said that he suffered for his fault I end by saying that she should die on a rope hanging in a tree, in that moment Aramis lost what little heart he had left for him, broke into pieces, Athos felt bad about what he said, but not stopped, not knowing if Selo said to her or the same, walked away and left three days later and Dartagnan Athos left Paris, went to the palace of Montsorot, but never stayed there Athos, d'Artagnan was always there, Porthos takes me three weeks to Aramis get back to eating

Porthos and Dartagnan where they will not see are all the screaming, waiting Athos, always cold, silent, for now darling, also the scene in the cells, and wanted to react Aramis, Aramis mostly feel is the Athos because of what makes him so, the judge handed down the sentence and gave his judgment, the trouble is that Aramis knew, she was hanged, finally said what I felt Athos and Aramis destroyed, he said that should never exist Aramis, Porthos work did not help, she just wants to die, sorry to be given when something happens, Aramis not want to be hurt by the rejection so Athos, Athos only wanted to be tender jealousy, wanted have what he saw with Porthos, at least I admit that this jealous, wants to be with her, but does not know why, it's easier to hate than to love to Athos, I hope the next chapter soon, thanks to compete, ^ ______ ^

Recensore Junior
07/06/12, ore 22:06

Camomilla??? No, no, se ce l'avessi davanti non so cosa gli farei... ma è impazzito? Non capisce un cavolo? Cosa gli è venuto in mente??? Perchè continua a torturarla? Le bacia le mani, le dice che non è brutta e poi la chiama strega? La sta uccidendo lui, poco a poco, in modo alquanto subdolo. Ed è terribilmente odioso, ma si rende conto che lo schifo che prova è più che altro per sé stesso. Perchè non è andato a scusarsi? Lui, che odia le donne in quanto bugiarde e manipolatrici, come non si rende conto che è lui che veramente mente? Perchè non le dice la verità? E' un vigliacco. E un bast*rdo. E Porthos? Non lo prende a pugni? Penso che non rileggerò questo capitolo, mi fa una rabbia.

Recensore Junior
07/06/12, ore 18:44

la camomilla non l 'ho bevuta perchè non mi piace... preferisco farmi un idromassaggio, ma recensisco lo stesso prima che si riempa la vasca.. paura?
non ti preoccupare!
il lato positivo di tutta questa storia c'è!
più in basso di così Athos non può cadere...da qui si può solo risalire!
un'altro lato positivo è che lui abbia ammesso ciò che in realtà pensava di lei veramente. spinto da rabbia, risentimento, quello che è.. però lui quelle cose le ha pensate veramente ed è giusto che le abbia fatte sapere ad Aramis prima che ci posasse le sue manacce sopra!
e poi ero io quella dei cattivi, cattivissimi...tu mi batti alla stragrande! brava!
non è neanche totalmente da condannare Athos... dopo tutto quello che ha passato è un uomo profondamente ferito...sì però bellino non è che puoi sfogarti sul primo che passa... te l' ho già spiegato...vai, ammazzi quella che ti sta sulle balle e poi torni bello, calmo e rilassato!

Recensore Junior
07/06/12, ore 17:28

bene...ok...ho preso la camomilla.....
ma così non va affatto bene.....cos'è,vuoi una raccolta di firme per indirizzare la storia come la vogliamo?
no dai,sto è troppo facile,poi che gusto c'è?
però cavolo...qui il signorino è un bel po' stronzetto!!!!^^

Recensore Veterano
07/06/12, ore 13:42

Il privilegio di sapere le cose...
...mi impedisce di imbottirmi di camomilla fino ad esplodere! ;P quanto sei complicato???

Recensore Junior
06/06/12, ore 14:12
Cap. 13:

che sei rava te l 'ho già detto?
che capitolo intenso...ho potuto percepire distintamente l'ansia di Aramis e l'apprensione dei suoi amici nei suoi confronti!
bello e dettagliato, non c'è che dire è un'ottimo capitolo, veniamo alla parte più maliziosa...
e così Athos è geloso?? che ridere, gli sta bene!
dopo tutte le sue paranoie adesso ha paura che la sua bella gli venga portata vai da sotto al naso..e proprio dal suo migliore amico! eheheh! DEVI FARNE DI STRADA CARO MIO!
non capisce proprio niente di donne se sospetta davvero che una come Aramis possa levarselo dalla mente così in fretta!
stupidissimo, in questo frangente, proprio lei che credendo di morire ti dichiara il suo amore che tu( cioè lui) calpesta senza ritegno! già ha fatto una gaffe clamorosa appropinquandosi a lei come il più navigato dei donnaioli, attaccandosi come una cozza quando doveva solo aprire la sua boccuccia d'oro e farla sentire al sicuro, adesso pure fa il geloso? è proprio un pir e anche la.

Recensore Veterano
06/06/12, ore 10:59
Cap. 13:

breve capitolo ma descritto molto bene mi sembrava di stare nella prigione ho capito bene athos e geloso???del gesto affettuoso di porthos verso aramis???