Recensioni per
Garo Second Season - Chapter of the Double Golden Wolf
di Botan

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Nuovo recensore
21/10/08, ore 14:27
Cap. 2:

It is starting very well, I think. This first chapter has an episodical structure like Garo (the series): how life is developing, horror pursuit, Watchdog headquarters, Kaoru in danger (again!? poor little thing!), Garo's appearance. And, better than in the series: a mistery (or two) to solve alredy since the very first chapter! I like the idea of an Oracle horror, and I'm looking forward to seeing a jealous Kouga! Plus, did Kaoru want to live alone again!? Not surprising Kouga didn't like it! I agree with him in another thing: it's difficult to believe in a romantic dinner among boxes, brushes, paintings, etc. No wonder that they couldn't achieve a single kiss! It was a pitty, because you pictured the scénario greatly. I hope you'll allow them to kiss someday.

Nuovo recensore
19/10/08, ore 21:35
Cap. 1:

Hey, Botan! I have read you fanfiction on Garo. I don't know Italian, but I know two other Latin languages (my own and another one), so I can get the general sense of your fanfics. I love Garo. I write a blog devoted to it, so, I love your fanfics. But my unability to write in Italian has stopped my comments. Now, with such ambitious project (Second Season) I can't shut anymore. Anyway, if you can't read in English, or you don't see well anyone writting in other language than Italian, I'll leave and I'll do the same thing till now: only reading your Garo fanfics. Thank you.

Recensore Veterano
15/10/08, ore 01:18
Cap. 2:

ma io ti adoro.dico sul serio. una nuova serie...oh mio Dio.mi fai sentire male però, se fai così. inutile dire che le premesse sono più che buone, e queso primo episodio misterioso e scritto in maniera eccellente, come tuo solito. sono d'accordo con te riguardo alla scelta di fare una longfic unca al posto di una serie di oneshot,sarebbe troppo incasinato!e poi...vuoi mettere la soddisfazione di vedere i numerini accanto a "Capitoli:" crescere?! ti assicuro che, per quanto mi riguarda, le emozioni che provo leggendo letue storie sono uguali a quelle provocate dalla serie tv! aspetto il prossimo episodio... baci

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